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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  One foot toward the gallows || Titus, Diplomats ||


    Just as Scorch finished greeting the Loessian stallions, the sensation of a small nose brushing along her hind leg alerted her to another person entering the conversation. Craning her neck, the grizzled mare smiled to see the tiny figure of a begoldened, freckled redhead: her granddaughter, Eurwen. The girl reaffirmed their relations by boldly whispering Scorch's title with the volume of a kitten, to which Scorch nodded, a gesture of both affirmation and encouragement. Of course the mare recognized her kin; she had seen the twins from afar plenty of times, and Leilan's descriptions of them during their chance encounters also helped a lot.

    "Hello, Eurwen. Come, step up beside me." Reaching, Scorch ran her mutilated nose along the filly's body, pushing her forward until the two stood side by side as equals. Then, to the Loessians: "This is my granddaughter, Eurwen. I hope you won't mind her joining us."

    With that settled, Scorch settled into a hip and perked her ears attentively to what the drake had to say. He spoke as always with a friendly ease that Scorch duly admired and found herself wanting to be around, though only platonically of course. She's had enough boy drama for two lifetimes, and funnily enough, that's the exact number she has had thus far. Maybe next time, Wolfboy.

    "I suspect that it is," Scorch offered with a chuckle when the drake called her presence a pleasure. Next, to the one he introduced: "A pleasure, I am sure, Titus." The classic champagne appaloosa stallion nodded and smiled in greeting, apparently saving his conversational skills for later. This Scorch did not begrudge him, as her ears caught the sound of yet another pair of approaching hooves. Comedically, Wolfbane delivered his line about not staying too long just as Nalia entered the group, to which Scorch offered him a bit of an apologetic smile before accepting the eager and dutiful Nalia's greeting.

    "We are just saying hello, really. Unless Lord Wolfbane is in need of any information? I suppose it would be cordial of me to ask how Loess fares." Scorch pointed this question in the direction of the yellow pegasus, though her words had originally begun as an answer to Nalia's question. With big groups like this, everything can get a little confusing; but Scorch listened, like a good character whose time lines made sense and whose writer definitely isn't scrambling madly between posts trying to fit everything in, a pleasant and unworried smile on her face, because she's a lucky, manipulateable little pawn in my magical fake horse game.


    Titus asked a question next, directed to all the Nerinians gathered. Scorch's prior question about Wolfbane having questions was answered herein, to which she begrudgingly smiled. However, before she could answer, the familiar-looking stallion revealed his parentage, and asked if the two yet resided in Nerine. Scorch pursed her lips in deliberation for a moment, before delivering the answer that she thought best.

    "Firstly, Nerine has been... A bit chaotic, and a bit spread thin. Near the outset of the contagion, we saw the coming together of the Sisterhood and the Brotherhood. That is to say, Brennen abdicated his throne and brought what remained of his subjects here, such that we might pool our resources. That being said, we've made a vie for Icicle Isle, the North's safe land, and to my knowledge, we have thus far been successful, but it's not been easy." A heavy sigh. "Honestly, I may not even be telling you the full of it, as so much has been going on that my fragile, old woman mind can barely keep up with all this madness."

    "Secondly," and here Scorch looked directly at Titus, "to my knowledge, your parents do yet live here. If they have moved away, I was not informed - I'm sorry that I haven't seen them more recently. I am a good friend of Portia's, and Rome has been a steadfast Nerinian servant for years." Hoping that that would sate the Loessian, Scorch fell silent, wondering who would be next to speak.


    Once Khaleesi of the Amazon Jungle

    @[Wolfbane] @[Titus] @[Nalia] @[Eurwen] sorry everyone for the brief fourth wall break, it has been a long night.
    me, going into this post: make it 3 paragraphs, it is 2 am and you need sleep
    me, half an hour later with a novel written: did you mean write a novel? Smile
    me, barely alive: hhhhhhhhhh
    [Image: scorch2.png]

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    RE: One foot toward the gallows || Titus, Diplomats || - by Scorch - 12-15-2018, 04:12 AM

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