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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    walk that mile until the end starts; Wolfbane

    My dreams have all come true

    Pteron would be the third generation (that he was aware of) to exhibit the power of invisibility in Wolfbane’s direct line. It was telling that he should use it so suddenly and so fully, when Bane’s control over it had been patchy at best for a very long time. Their son was essentially perfect in his eyes and clearly adored by Lepis, a very capable sort of colt which gave his stiff-maned father every reason to puff his chest out with dominant, peacocking pride. Here was a child who Bane had imagined countless times before, every bit the wind and sky, undoubtedly a gift from the Gods.

    If he were anything like his parents, he’d also be too intelligent for his own good.

    Holding still against the added weight of his feathered partner, Wolfbane tilts his head oddly to peer sidelong at Lepis, enjoying the simplicity of this moment and the thrill of her affection while she explains their fledgling’s name. He’s aware that he should be looking at their foal right now, admiring the strong build of pale hips and shoulders, but he can’t seem to tear his eyes away from the soft light that illuminates every corner of her achingly beautiful face. Their love seems to have manifested itself into another living being, taking from each a large part of their hearts and beginning a new chapter in their lives. In some sense you might assume that it would focus his attentions elsewhere or wholly on the boy but the opposite remains true: his desire for Lepis only increases, and he reaches towards her to stroke the curve of cheek and forehead.

    Her mention of wings paired with his sons noiseless request for affection finally redirects Bane’s thoughts, bending his neck away and down from the embrace of his lover, nearer to Pteron so that he could ruffle soft baby curls with his lips and bump playfully at a seemingly all-white shoulder. “I absolutely adore you, with all my heart.” He confirms in response to the tender admission of his Queen, shifting back to their original stance beside one another while their child prepared himself for a much-needed nap.

    When the heat from her body sinks past his gold fur, sending waves of fire up between his ears and shooting along his spine, Wolfbane finds himself drawn into Lepis once more, wholly attentive to her yet feeling the quiet presence of Pteron at their feet. Their skin rubs gently together, a pleasant friction growing where he rubs the dark length of his nose over and around her own. “Things will be alright, I know it.” He tells her in a low, husky tone. “Sinner wants us to rejoin Sylva and Loess. When this plague leaves us, I swear to raise our boy as a Prince and you,” Her mate pauses, leaning back only to catch one stoneflint eye, “I want your crown rightfully restored. Say that you’ll always be my equal … rule alongside me. Please.” He nearly begs, that ever-present half smirk pulling at his mouth.

    Like all good nightmares do

    [Image: Wolfbane2.png][Image: 3bCHvj.png]

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    RE: walk that mile until the end starts; Wolfbane - by Wolfbane - 11-26-2018, 01:16 PM

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