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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [private]  It isn’t in my blood; any

    Glaciers melting in the dead of night
    and the superstars sucked into the supermassive
    There's many things he is and a few things he isn't - the latter cruel, boring, or a liar. That's probably about all he can claim not to be - and if he were to describe himself the words annoying, stubborn, and idiot are on the forefront of one's mind, he's quite sure. He has a way of getting under people's skins. It irks some, intrigues a second; either way it's more or less a test to see if he can let this person in, or should rather keep them out. There's a few layers one must go through to get to Leilan's core, and so far, Phasus has struck the second - which honestly, is the grim one. Set - well he still doesn't know, but his choice for Phasus tentatively puts him into the same category - the ones he probably never comes to like and would rather cast out and have nothing to do with. Pretty words or violent threats won't sway his opinion.

    Problem is of course, that Leilan isn't so much of a diplomat either; he's only learning now. He sees how easily his words got interpret wrongly, and it tires him to work around such in his speech. But it's already done - and honestly, one could have reacted differently to this interpreting of his words. He's always been a warrior - well, warrior-plus, perhaps, providing some light and ease in a ruler's life, but still in core not trained enough in diplomacy... hmm, well, maybe it's just about keeping his mouth shut. But that's the boring solution. And admittedly, one that gets him stuck in his current (or previous) behaviour, which is something he is now finally, maturing out of... Or not. Seeing as he doesn't get much room to grow recently, it's rather much like being stuck between closing-in walls. Of course he bites, then.

    And he bites in the name of Nerine. Not that Nerine really needed that right away - but with Phasus and her little gang invading, it had become clear to him that it was in fact, quite necessary. With her fake ideas of safety, she would threaten his loved ones. He'd rather rule than give it up to her. And sure, perhaps hanging around all those rulers all the time, it might be time to step up some more. But like this...? Castile's idea hadn't been so bad. In fact, he'd already travelled to the mountain to perhaps ask the fairies what should be done with this island. -sink it-

    Hoof-beats on a rocky surface approach him, and a quick vision change betrays the other's position, a stark contrasted heat signature between their icy surroundings. He doesn't feel like talking much right now though, and so he pretends not to notice and switches back easily (ice blue to match the dragon's ice). Hawk-eyed view now, recognizes the two-toned male with little trouble. Oh, it's Set. Hmm. Perhaps he'll go away. There's been no talking to this guy some time now, after all. All he does is lurk in shadows and point a hypocritical finger. Quoted a bitter ex-amazon into saying Nerine doesn't need this land. But Nerine could decide that on her own. It's stupid to depend only on a magician; he'd have no life of his own. Or to let babies be born in a plague-ridden land. And have neighbours that would be on edge with them, a constant threat of war looming.

    What should make him think it's different now?

    The two-faced man however, still approaches; stops to talk to him about his own thoughts of them being cowards, just now. Congratulations, you can mind-read. The ice-drake stops his icing, looking to the man with almost an empty-looking gaze. Probably Set just doesn't want to admit he might fit the picture of being a coward. Well, that's entirely his own doing. He hasn't exactly worked to better his image among those of Nerine so far.

    The salt-and-pepper male then continues in a too-amicable tone, that there are far worse things in the world than being a coward. Leilan isn't quite so sure about that - a cornered coward will make the weirdest moves; to save their own skin, they might destroy the rest of the lands. Take Phasus for example, so ready to step on anyone who'll let her. Though he thinks that Set just doesn't want to see her for what she is. He wonders if he ever looked any deeper in her mind. It's possible he neglects to do that because he already has her on his side. Leilan does wonder how long that will last. Something about her... oh well. Not his problem. No wait -  they're still here.

    He climbs back out of the crater, past the two-toned man. He looks for some more rocks, and kicks them slowly back towards the hole, trying not to think of all that's wrong because it won't help him to go back in circles. "You know what your problem is, Set?" he asks while he's still turned away. When he reaches the half-filled hole and kicks in the stones, the scaled stallion sizes him up. They're somewhat similar in build, though Leilan has perhaps more mixed draft influences, but also random blood, most likely Iberian and Arabian kinds, which evens that out. Similar in size too; he's only inches taller than the black-and-white one. "You read our minds, and that makes you think you know everything about us." But he doesn't know shit. One simple refusal to bend to someone he doesn't know but who sides with someone he doesn't trust - even changing his own proposal to try and meet in the middle - and he's the idiot in this? Grasping power, perhaps that's what he thinks he's doing? Well, maybe he is; to be honest he's not content with living his whole life in someone's shadow, to just serve and go forgotten in history, so yes, he wants to have something first, to be able give it away. But look who's judging - hypocrite. Every claimer on this island at the very least wants some tiny bit of that power, or they wouldn't be here. One's goal is to kick out the sick ones (which includes half of his family, because surprise, they don't dare set foot on this unruly and quite unsafe island and thus got infected); his goal is to let everybody in. That will always clash.

    He shrugs a little, then, already moving towards the crater again. Not like he had never made wrong assumptions, but at least he was more careful with that nowadays. He just hopes to be wrong. That Set is ignorant about Phasus. "In contrast, we non-magicians must make do with what we see and hear."

    He circles around to kick some more rocks into the crater, and then follows them down to fix them into the ice. Wouldn't do if this partly melted in summer, that it then would lose it's structure; better secure it now with more than just snow and ice. Give Set some time to think of what he knows and doesn't know. Or what image he gives off; the only image the Nerinians can judge him on currently isn't a very great one. His name is long forgotten, and he shouldn't assume that mentioning it would mean anything to those who currently living in Beqanna. Sure, there'll be an old soul or two to recognize him somewhere. Brennen, looks like, though they don't seem to be friends, from the sneer Set gave him. Scorch maybe, though she has been dead for a decade or two in-between he thinks, so who knows, really.

    The point is Leilan doesn't easily give his trust to someone he doesn't know. Because if he does, it's usually forever. To trust Camomila was already a lot to ask (he doesn't, yet, not fully, it needs more time). To trust in a random magician who sides with a girl who openly threatened his family - no way.

    you set my soul alight
    HTML by Vanilla Custard

    /figured I'd mark this private so they can discuss things... you know, without a second crater appearing xD
    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.

    Messages In This Thread
    It isn’t in my blood; any - by Leilan - 11-25-2018, 11:01 AM
    RE: It isn’t in my blood; any - by Set - 11-25-2018, 06:57 PM
    RE: It isn’t in my blood; any - by Leilan - 11-26-2018, 05:31 AM
    RE: It isn’t in my blood; any - by Set - 11-27-2018, 04:18 PM
    RE: It isn’t in my blood; any - by Leilan - 11-28-2018, 02:36 PM

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