They had made the wrong choice.
All of their years of ruling and the wisdom which motherhood and age lent them had not assisted the two queens in the fairies test. They had gone left and failed.
But Lie, Hyaline's General, he had chosen correctly. Young, fresh, and determined he had continued his grueling trek across the frozen island at the fairies request.
Somehow it is incredibly fitting.
As she was transported by magic away from Icicle Island she could only hope he and her daughter were safe and their mission successful. But after Solace's own attempt to cure the plague had been gently declined, the gold splashed mare had returned to Silver Cove with all the speed that the renewal of her wings had allowed. She had pulled her frail newborn son to her breast and savored his warmth and sleepy smiles, passing the night in golden contentment with him and Kagerus at either side.
Each time it was harder to pull herself away.
But she does. Alone Solace returns to her Kingdom, her heartland, her home. On this day six years ago, Amet had entrusted her, wide-eyed and innocent, with Hyaline. Maybe if half of Beqanna hadn't been infected by a gruesome plague it would have bee a day of celebration, but instead, there is a sadness in her eyes that is hard to shake.
But she doesn't want them to see it. Lie and Kensa deserved better; so as she calls for the young couple Hyaline's Caretaker focuses on the wonderful symmetry of the situation and all the good that will come of it.
With a sweeping motion of her broad, cerulean wings Solace lands by the lake-shore just as she had done thousands of times before, never doubting that she soon be met by her Ambassador and General before the afternoon.
Don't feel bad if you wait to reply until you know the outcome of the quest!