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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i heard there was a secret chord; queens, jason, any

    I've heard there was a secret chord
    that David played and it pleased the Lord
    but you don't really care for music do you?

    Despite all of his years in the Gates, he was new to all of this. To making suggestions, and politics, and having high expectations not only for himself but for his members. All he wanted was for his kingdom to prosper, and for other kingdoms to know that despite their reputations that they would not play whipping boy. While he didn’t necessarily want them to be feared, he wanted them to be respected. He wanted everyone else in Beqanna to know that they were here, and that they had a voice. The Gray King felt certain that his kingdom could be a strong kingdom, especially with their current members. Fiasko, his queen…a quiet strength, but someone he held in great esteem. Jason, the blue magician. Though Mast didn’t know much about him and he sometimes got the feeling Jason preferred it that way, Mast couldn’t deny what an asset he was to their kingdom. Mast may have lacked any type of magic but he could easily feel the way Jason felt for the Gates. Wichita, who had arrived as a shy recruit and was now flying up the ranks. Sweet Reuen, as unsure as she was, well Mast valued her immensely. He thought for sure under that shell was a flower just looking for the right amount of sunshine and water to bloom. For now he reserved judgment for Rapscallion, though he thought the stallion was made of the right stuff. Yes, they had the wind at their backs.

    Surely, the thinks, winter time is the most pleasant time to visit the Deserts. He had felt the warmth in his bones before he had even gotten close to the border, and though he loved his beautiful home dearly, the blazing sun was a welcome change. It warmed him clear to his core, and a large part of him thought how nice a nap would be. But now was not the time for naps, now was the time for a certain amount of political talk and the talk of things important to all of his kingdoms future. He knew that Jason had said he would accompany him, but Mast knew that magicians could travel any way they saw fit. So he had set out on his own, not intending to be rude, but relishing in the solitude nonetheless. It felt good to travel across the sands with nothing but his own thoughts (which were many). Finally, when he thought he had reached the border (it was hard to tell with the shifting of the sands and the brightness of the sun) he stopped, peering into the distance. He would wait here for the Deserts queens, wait here for Jason. He would wait patiently, content to bask in the sunshine.

    M A S T

    Messages In This Thread
    i heard there was a secret chord; queens, jason, any - by Mast - 07-30-2015, 06:25 PM

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