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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    walk that mile until the end starts; Wolfbane
    Though my panic was brief, it was very real. Rapidly brushing touches across the colt to reassure myself he is whole, I feel the fear begin to subside, replaced by a warm sense of relief and even - surprisingly - humor. I know that Wolfbane has this particular gift - he'd shown me at our first meeting - but to see it manifest so easily in a child is something else entirely. Especially when that child is my responsibility.

    What if he disappears at bedtime? What if he goes invisible to climb a rock face that we explicitly forbade?

    The possibilities seem endless, but rather than let them overwhelm me I close my eyes and lean into the reassuring warmth of my husband. He was a disappearing boy once too, I think, surely he knows the tricks. That is something to talk about later, I think, and instead answer the question that he asks.

    "His name is Pteron," I answer, and beside me the colt raises his blue-green eyes and repeats what he can. It comes out a jumble of noises, one that sounds almost like it should, and Lepis repeats back more slowly: "Terr. On." The topic of conversation nods happily, and then bumps his head against his father's chest.

    His nickname for me only elicits a playful nudge; there are far worse things to be called.

    "It means winged," I add, referring to the name that I had pondered over for most of my pregnancy. "I was hoping he'd have wings." I was hoping he'd look like the both of us, I don't add. He does, with his soft dun dorsal stripe and his father's blue markings, but mostly he looks like himself - a soft little cloud. "I love you," I tell him as he begins to tuck himself in at our feet.

    "I love you, too." I tell his father, releasing a soft sigh that I hadn't meant to hold. With him beside me, some of the weight disappears, the pressing responsibility over my child and myself. It is a sensation that has never lost its novelty, one that I am unable to manufacture even with my magics. I can create new emotions, but I have never been able to erase the negative ones. Only Wolfbane seems able to do that, and I smile to myself as I press my cheek against his for a moment.


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    RE: walk that mile until the end starts; Wolfbane - by Lepis - 11-21-2018, 08:50 AM

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