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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  could i use you as a makeshift gauge; Chryseis
    you were a vision in the morning
    when the light came through,
    i know i've only felt religion when i've lied with you ;


    Realization dawns on her at his words, her brown eyes widening as she looks to him. There is a prickle of anticipation that tingles down her spine, but she is not sure why; a brief moment of fear, like a cold sweat that triggers a shiver, but so far he has not given her a reason to be afraid. She can only assume it was just the idea that he could be dangerous that made her feel briefly suspicious, but the young girl has lived a too perfect life to think there was anything actually to be found in the annoying pricks of doubt.

    She doesn’t realize there is a reason she would get these gut feelings — that everything her mother has tried to teach her about instincts had actually had a purpose.

    ”You’re a kelpie, then?” It sounds incredibly stupid, and she realizes that after the words have already left her mouth. She shakes her head, pushing away the flustered feeling at sounding so ignorant, and quickly adding, ”I mean, I don’t think it was you. He said it was a girl.”

    She is too curious and kind for her own good. It had never occurred to her that the kelpie girl had bitten her father because that is simply what they do; they hunt and feed, and in some ways, they were far more dangerous than any of the other natural predators they face. They can stand before them, like this, with charming smiles and smooth words, and finds herself forgetting that just moments before, she was scared.

    But his suggestion about biting make her apprehensive, and her brow furrows in concern. ”But wouldn’t that hurt?” She glances back at her own soft fur, and then looks again at the shimmering scales that laced the stallions body. Her curiosity was insatiable, something that had gotten her into trouble more times than she could count. A large part of her was just as inquisitive as he appeared to be, wondering if it was indeed the kelpie bite that had caused the change in Leilan.

    ”Okay,” she agrees with a bold upward tilt of her head, her dark brown eyes narrowing just slightly as she says, ”But not too hard.”

    Unfortunately, she was destined to learn some lessons the hard way.

    and i'm still waking every morning but it's not with you

    Magic 8 ball said yes :|


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    RE: could i use you as a makeshift gauge; Chryseis - by Chryseis - 11-20-2018, 02:01 PM

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