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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  many before me have come, after me there will be none; zor

    Oh, fuck. That look in Zor's eyes, that fuckin' sexy glare. Goddamn, this bastard.

    Those lips reached slowly out and pressed into his neck in a familiar spot and he groaned. He stayed completely still, focused on Zor's teeth scraping against his skin and making his weak breaths come even shorter, lighting his skin with an itch, a burn for more. God, and that hot tongue stroking in Zor's wake, smoothing the sting of teeth.

    "I have to find Dizzy. And the girls. Our girls."

    Our girls.

    That probably shouldn't have sounded so good, but it did and not just for his sexy voice lowered to a whisper against his skin. His black eyes pooled with molten heat as Zor's lips trailed along his jaw and he barely managed not to groan again. Their girls. It had all began with Zoryn. He'd never been into guys. And really, he still wasn't. Zoryn was his delicious exception. And he was so worth it.

    "I'll help you," he whispered back in promise, nudging Zor's face away so he could get at the front of his neck, spread his black lips open with that starry spot of blue to drag sharp little slow nips up to his throat. "I need Leliana first." He didn't need to point out that she was in danger. They had all three been here in danger and now she'd drifted into a delirium that had pulled her away. There was no telling where she was now or if she was safe, or in even more danger.

    "I'll return her to her family, and I'll find our girls."

    He drifted from Zor's throat to nuzzle his cheek, missing him already. They had never really been a thing, a couple or anything. And it was hard to even imagine since aside from Zoryn he was completely straight. Zor just had a damn sexy way about him as no other had. They'd pushed this into sex with Dizzy together, and even accidental kids with her too. But he didn't think that had been a 3-way couple kind of thing either. Just fuckin' around. Until Dov fucked it up, as he always had.

    He might be with Heartfire now.
    He wasn't even fuckin' sure.
    Without Cerva, he didn't know what a relationship even looked like anymore.

    He swallowed and pulled back to look in those honeyed amethyst eyes.

    "I'll find you, Zoryn."

    He pulled a fatigued smirk to his mouth. "Now get your ass up and find our baby girls. I want to see her alive." Both of them, but he needed to meet his baby.

    we're slaves to any semblance of touch

    Lord, we should quit but we love it too much


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    RE: many before me have come, after me there will be none; zor - by Dovev - 11-19-2018, 06:39 PM

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