The silver and lavender mare returns to Tephra beaten but not broken. Her will to take Ischia by any means possible -including selling her soul- was swiftly intervined by her brother. And yes maybe he had the best intent at heart but it still infuriated her.
All she had ever dreamed about as a little girl was wearing the shell that had been bestowed upon her mother. The task given to care for the land and all who called it home was her mothers vision. And so it was hers. That is why she wanted Ischia. To rise it up in her mother's honor and watch it flourish. The scaled stallion clearly had other ideas which also sent a maddening tingle up her spine. Or was that the all too fresh reminder of scabbing wounds at her withers. His teeth had raked across her tender flesh, piercing it with razor blades. She was unaware of the markings true meaning and so attempted to ignore it.
Krom and Kove were far behind her as she reaches the innermost parts of the kingdom. A tickling of fresh meadow grasses upon her limbs do little to awaken her senses to the world around her. In her frustrated blindness she hadn't even noticed the golden stallion standing in the meadow. Watching her with intent and possible curiosity. Her breathing labored and silver freckled coat lathered in a frothy sweat, she looked every bit of a woman scorned. Having traveled a long way quickly, her body was nearly pleading she stop to rest, but she was not listening...
@[magnus] short and purposeful lol. I am sure Magnus can talk her off the ledge