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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    This dirty filthy skin; PENGS
    Even if they never admit it, even if they choose to push it back: both Tindalos and Tithe worried, both felt a fear and uncertainty in their being and person- and there is panic inside themselves when they see blood on noses and feel the shivering of their bodies. Sickness is a thing they cannot truly push away, an evil they cannot simply defeat with hooves and teeth; but rather it is an invasive and dangerous thing that both lack the ability to simply make it go. They are not the only ones, however, and they have heard rumor that the illness yet exists- unconquerable, without a cure: only treatment.

    Still, they strive to carry on, to help brush away mud and dried blood- the nettles and burrs stuck within the hair. Silent in such a manner Tindalos says nothing as Anani takes to fretting over Tithe’s nose and there is a moment suddenly where Tithe himself is forced to chuckle- playfully laugh, and feign the smile he longs to genuinely have. “I will be fine.” he asserts to the pair, the softness in his voice remains and he seems to sense the change in Anani.

    “No, really, I will be fine. As I understand this contagion so far hasn’t killed anyone, it is merely a tool of fear and one that is working. Have hope, trust in my word that I will make it out.” he nods, and Tindalos looks away: frowning with concern, but, facing them with a smile as if to go along with the gentle words of his lover. The comments about Mordgeld and the baby remains and Tithe nods his head to agree; but Tindalos is the one to truly speak on the matter.

    With attentions focused he brushes his nose against Anani’s forehead: as if to try and offer comfort or consoling. “She’s very hard to miss, but, yes- I should probably try to look for her soon. We, rather, but still- for now its better to consider the world in front of us. I saw a gathering of people not far, and I believe they are the ones from Hyaline come to flee the contagion.” shrugging, he notes the panic: sees the fear.

    Tithe is not ignorant of it either, and he takes a breath before speaking with a relaxed voice. “Anani, sshh, come now. Have hope.”

    Messages In This Thread
    This dirty filthy skin; PENGS - by Anani - 11-04-2018, 08:35 PM
    RE: This dirty filthy skin; PENGS - by Anani - 11-05-2018, 08:30 PM
    RE: This dirty filthy skin; PENGS - by Tindalos - Tithe - 11-08-2018, 01:58 AM
    RE: This dirty filthy skin; PENGS - by Anani - 11-09-2018, 09:35 PM

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