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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    let the dream pull you below; Vulgaris

    Pain roars through her nerves and floods each synapse with agony: fangs penetrating and digging deep into the porous and fleshy appendage, and the paddle-shaped edge is swiftly withdrawn and snapped back beneath the surface. Rippling and wild, bubbles form and where there had been one before: a second rises and the pair of them are waved and sudden as they crash upon the river’s bank. 

    The tendrils along her neck surface after that, the ears and writhing mass giving horrible shape to the reality of the Kraken and her physiology, and Vulgaris can soon see the same tendrils covering the end of her face: the whole of them stretching and exposing the dark chitinous beak that clatters and clicks as she hisses. More a slither than a graceful step, she climbs the back and the tail… the dark mass of further tentacles: seems to cling and stretch: grasp leg and ground as she stands amidst the detritus and soil.

    “Quick to bite,” she purrs, holding up the tendril he’d snapped at: the blue blood dripping from the wounds and her dark gray and black form is spattered with blue and white. Yidhra’s honeyed voice shrill, but, growing husky and deep as she purrs and stares at the other. “Not a sea serpent, land- ah, yess.” she hisses, in playful mockery or sincerity it is hard to say but her voice is strange and the accent in her words is ancient and strange: something out of time and from the reaches of the deep.

    Settling and studying, Yidhra watches him with her maw slowly folding into a vaguely equine shape: her teal eyes and their barbell shaped pupils wide. The Abyssal smiles, drawns the faux-lips and folds those tendrils on her shoulders well in front of her chest. At full height and elegant posture, she lingers and waits: tries to gauge if he might snap again; but she speaks in the interim and there is something decidedly warm in her words.

    “I had hoped to get your attention, but, not with this result: my fault for assuming you were less nippy I suppose. I am Yidhra, you seemed… interesting: particularly with the way the sun reflects on those very pretty scales.” to the point she tilts a tendril and gestures to the reflective light on his skin.



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    RE: let the dream pull you below; Vulgaris - by Yidhra - 11-07-2018, 04:34 AM

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