11-06-2018, 09:27 PM
ashes, ashes,
we. all. fall. down.
It will hurt worse later, but for now adrenaline from the fall and frustration at her failing dampens some of the soreness. The filly is counting the largest feathers strewn among the rocks when the older boy approaches her. Looking towards the sound of approaching hoofbeats she recognizes that he is the same red-eyed being that she had flown over before her accident. She glimpses his exposed gears--but he decides to turn that side of himself away from her after speaking and the corner of her mouth pulls and relaxes as she tries to reason out his purpose for doing this. Perhaps like most he thought her an infant, easily frightened and of a fragile constitution.
Turning towards the sabino Leokadia resettles her wings, her abraded shoulder aches but she doesn’t turn her attention away from the stranger to look at the oozing wound. “Falling.” She doesn’t crack a smile. That’s what she is doing after all. Falling. Failing terribly at flying just like she always had. She wasn’t discouraged, only irritated. Deciding that her two syllable answer might come across a little rude she continues… “I wanted a place to practice flying. Am I not supposed to be here?” The question is genuine and cool, they are too close in age for a childish mewling in response to being discovered trespassing to have any worth in this conversation.
When the transparent one approaches, her look darkens with recognition. “You. I saw you.” So she wasn’t nuts, someone had been up there, someone that had looked unusual enough to confuse her young brain. Holy ground? Leokadia turns her ears back, moonstone eyes narrowing. “Worshippers of what?” She says to this one, flicking her attention between the two males only once. She is no sacrifice. Of course they could rip her into bits for whatever purpose suited them, but she’d like to know why first.
@[Zain] @[Rajanish]