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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  There's Warm, Then There's This [Kove, Any]
    Take Me to the Waters Edge

    Every time an opportunity to meet a new friend presented itself, I was more than thrilled to greet a kind face.  Snout had been just that and I was grateful to call him a friend.  The trinket that dangles so delicately from my neck reminds me of him as well as my long lost twin Ketzia.  Each day without her seemed incomplete.  So perhaps that is why I fill my days with meeting new faces.

    The weather of Tephra no longer weighed on me.  I was born into this climate and I was satisfied to die within it as well.  The smell to others was pungent, but to me it was home.  Even as I walked alongside melted earth flows, the heat did not phase me.  When the humid air mixed with the intense heat, it created billows of steam to rise from the cracks, giving the land an almost eerie presence.  

    There were other parts of Tephra that were less haze an more sunshine.  These parts I liked best.  Here I would practice with my manipulation of the sun's rays.  Forming spheres of glowing light and bouncing them along.  I had a younger sister that enjoyed this game of catch, but I hadn't seen her for years either.  Ever since I had left Ischia to reunite with my twin sibling.  Though it had been a short reunion, it gave me some peace of mind.

    With my glowing sphere in tow I travel closer to the borders.  Here is where I had met Snout and today I hoped to curb my loneliness by finding another face to greet.  It never takes long as it seems Tephra is a hot spot for visitors.  And before long I spot a winged dark and light figure with wings cross the channels edge.  At first I wonder if this is Eifa and there is a slight increase in my heart beat.  I begin to trot towards the stranger but I soon find it is not my younger sibling.  I slow with a slight downheartedness but I smile nonetheless and greet the painted girl in an almost girlish voice, "Hi there! Welcome to Tephra.  My name is Kove.  What's your name!?"  I was always eager, too eager for some maybe.  I am naive to it though and only want to find a new friend.   

    @[Nalia] Sry for the wait but I had some Kove muse this morning before work ruins it lol

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    RE: There's Warm, Then There's This [Kove, Any] - by Kove - 11-02-2018, 08:04 AM

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