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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    Build it from the ground up (claiming) - Any
    She walked. Legs had been weakened from her journeys since she had lost her immortality and magic. No, lost didn’t quite fit what had happened. The word was too simple, lacked meaning. The accurate word was stolen. It perfectly described not only the circumstances that had transpired, but it explained her own resulting feelings. Betrayal left her confused, fear left her shameful of her decisions. She did what she thought was best for those in her Kingdom; she was poorly mistaken. Her brother had been corrupted with evil beyond comprehension, his dark mind had driven him to seek out magic unknown to the sea mistress.

    But Mistress of the Seas, that title was stolen from her along with her magic, home, and everything that she ever cared about. As a result of his malice and her foolishness, she was left powerless. Only now could she truly understand the daily struggles of the normal horse. There was new appreciation for all those without magic and immortality; they were far stronger than she had realized. It took great physical, mental and emotional strength to live without such luxuries, strength that Camomila learned she didn’t have. Because she had it easy, her life was as simple as walking because of the magic she had been born with. Without that, she was nothing special. And part of her didn’t want any of it back, because now she could work for the luxuries she once had.

    Being born with everything had no meaning, it was nothing to be proud of, she learned. Hard work, dedication, devotion. Nothing was worth having, nor feeling pride for, without those things. Ambition was a powerful thing. It was a new feeling, one that made her willing to do anything necessary to regain power. She wasn’t sure if she could ever take back her Kingdom and overthrow her brother, but while she was in Beqanna, she wanted what she once had. A home, with subordinates that are like family to her, and power to protect them. She wanted to have another Kingdom, or at least a land of her own, and she would build it from the ground up. This way she could be more proud of it, and have more reason to protect it. 

    Her hoof stomped on the snow covered ground one last time as she stopped walking, the cold air blowing even colder as it sweeps past and blows her mane and tail to the side. This place was cold, very cold. But it didn’t bother her. She was used to the freezing depths of the sea; this was no different in her eyes, other than the fact that it was on land.

    She looked to her left then right, eyes blinking slowly as she admired the white isle. Her lips slowly curved upwards into a smile of pleasure; this place would be perfect.

    Attempting to claim the land, but I’m not sure if I should tag anyone since I’m not the only one wanting to claim it :/
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    Messages In This Thread
    Build it from the ground up (claiming) - Any - by Camomila - 10-31-2018, 10:16 PM

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