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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I had a dream that we were dead; Adria


    I felt nothing at all, freedom of the fall

    She sleeps. Tucked underneath the curve of a boulder whose lower half had long been sunk into the riverbed, Adria rests in a pocket of water built by her own making. Above and beside her the rushing sound of rapids crashing against the great stone goes as it normally should but here, like a pearl resting on the tongue of an oyster, she’s made it safe and calm. The nook shadows her from prying eyes that might see the glinting gold and white of her scales, a practice both learned and naturally instinctive. Her powers have dwindled now that she’s left the sanctity of Hyaline’s lake. It’s why she’s so alert even at rest, when the first dark leg bursts through the surface of the River and her eyes, lively and soft purple, open instantaneously.

    The nereid shifts a bit on the murky sandbed and wiggles her curious head out from underneath the long shadow. Three other dark legs soon join, stirring up clouds of sunken rot that drift away. Not so much of the horse is dark any longer, as it seems gold glitters up the fur and fades, accentuating a sharp, black belly. She is, admittedly, intrigued. Lonely creatures of all varieties intrigued her and such a feeling compels the sabino mare enough to snake out from hiding.

    Adria rises, her pleasant, youthful face gliding up past the surface ears-first. Dark strands of her forelock hang apart from her eyes, streaming across a refined set of cheeks the further she lifts, until at last a soft pink nose bubbles into the air, snorting a fine mist of water as it clears. Craning a shy look at the male, the seahorse gazes upon him like a swan.

    He’s … hideous. Undoubtedly the most sickly creature she’s ever come across, and Adria (having never seen a thing die or near death) considers him simultaneously repulsive and fascinating. Innocently her power surges and tendrils of soft water sprout, bobbing through the surface now and then, spreading out in search of him. Like a child she longs to feel, but if he shudders or moves the invisible fingers will rupture harmlessly against his body. Having been silent now for so long, the islander can only think to say one thing.

    “Have you come to drown yourself?

    @[Jinn] okay this gave me so much muse

    Messages In This Thread
    I had a dream that we were dead; Adria - by Jinn - 10-17-2018, 04:38 PM
    RE: I had a dream that we were dead; Cal pony - by Adria - 10-19-2018, 02:58 PM

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