10-16-2018, 04:11 PM
A wave of nauseous heat washes over her as all goes dark. She hears the voice of another colt, familiar yet distant, and she falls into something like sleep. This sleep is somehow darker, it holds her and she is content and dreamless.
But there is the sensation of warmth again, only this time it is a cozy warmth, leading her out of unconsciousness and whispering to her that everything will be ok. Will's dark eyes flutter open as Velk draws back, and there is only one peaceful moment where she believes she is waking in her families grotto. But the scent of blood and bear is still thick in the air and the moment only lasts as long as it takes her to blink her eyes.
Craning her neck, Will attempts to look past the colts to spot Tahti. The sight of her crumpled companion causes the bay girl to violently clamor to her feet, splay-legged and wobbly as a foal.
"Help her!" The yearling demands of her older brother, even as her vision is darkening again. But the disappointment which deflates him is not to be argued with, and she knows that no healer can save Tahti now. With fearful eyes, she looks to Clayton and she knows they can't stay here.
"Come on," she croaks, soft and low, all her vitality having abandoned her. Her skull swings again, as she turns to look again to the healer. Gingerly she steps forward, pressing her small muzzle to Velk's cheek.
"Thank you," she murmurs, "I know you did what you could." She gives him a long, studying look before turning to make her way in the direction the had come from - away from the bear and deeper into the mountains.
Soul as sweet as blood red jam