She probably didn't mean to be so welcoming of him, and they were likely both surprised when she gave in and pressed herself so firmly against him, his armor protruding out and digging into her.
For the first time in an extremely long time he regretted the weapon his body had contorted into, regretted that it couldn't possibly be comfortable to be held by him. It had him loosening his hold on her a little, but not too much, with a quiet wave of shame for what he'd become. But that was the nature of the Mountain's magic in him, and it couldn't be helped. And he wouldn't regret that.
But maybe she would've said yes to him a long time ago had he been smooth and thick with muscle.
He didn't really waste the time in thinking on it, instead remaining quiet as she poured her heart out in tears and shudders. Those made him squeeze her tighter, brush his lips over her spine in comfort as he watched the rain outside. For the most part he didn't really react, though, trying to give her as much privacy in this intimate moment as he could. He'd already realized it was not his fault she was pushed to this, or he'd be dead by now. Small miracles.
It was a good while until her breathing slowed, not that he was listening, and the shudders stopped. With a few more minutes, she seemed better collected, but understandably exhausted. Her face pressed to his cold, clammy neck and felt warm to the touch, hot from crying. It felt good, though. And unexpected.
"Why have you stayed Dovev?"
A really stupid answer almost slipped out. He swallowed it down quickly, helpfully distracted by her lips on his skin. His lips parted with a soft exhale and his eyes closed, feeling it sink into his skin so differently than her teeth had, which was the only way he ever got those damn lips on him until just now. It gave him pause, opening his eyes and turning his head slowly to her, looking deep into her blue eyes.
"Heartfire?" he questioned cautiously, uncertain. Was this a test? She'd said no so many times, had pushed him away so many times. Was it because she was hurting? Vulnerable now. So easily taken. Did she even know what she was asking, or only reacting to the pain inside her? Or no, maybe he was making wild assumptions. So he fell quiet and studied her.
There was a part of him that thought she might want this for real though, however stupid he was for thinking it. Just one of those nagging thoughts that he could never seem to find the evidence for and grasp onto it, really see it for himself.
Maybe the light kiss had only been for her own comfort. Or an offer of thanks, only. She wouldn't forget the dangerous man he was. His sharp armor plates were not his only rough edges.
we're slaves to any semblance of touch
Lord, we should quit but we love it too much