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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Can you See the Truth Behind a Curtain of Lies? [Clayton, Solace & Family]

    Just as my inquiry of our destination leaves my mouth -in a jumble of uncertain words- there is an answer produced from the winged mare.  I think on the answer and how visiting the heart of anything sounds like a terrible idea.  My tiny breath is taken from me as I suddenly stop in my tracks. Only to be coaxed onward by Solaces kind voice reassuring me of food and playmates.  Perhaps the seeing heart wouldn't be so bad.

    A soft smile finds me as I look up at the mare and continue at her side.  That is until an explosive voice sneaks up on us.  My rear end tucks and I find my front doesn't keep up, stumbling forwards slightly, I find my footing again in a tight spin.  The tiny wings I had kept so near, flare out in a display of fright.  My silver eyes rest upon a brown and green figure not much larger than myself.  I think of what he had said and it is confirmed by Solace when she greets him.  My heart was racing in my chest and so I say nothing.  The colt now is looking at me as if I am to respond but nothing surfaces.  That is until he says he likes my horns... My what?  My smallish profile tilts in confusion at what this thing is exactly that he likes.  I look up at the painted ladies face and search for some hidden meaning behind his words.  Finding none on Solaces expression I look back to the colt, "You like my what?"  Was I to be insulted by such a bold comment?  

    Solace than wonders if the colt would like to show me around.  At first I am unsure, since I do not know if he actually likes me.  There isn't much to like and I have little to offer in friendship.  I don't have any friends, at least that I remember, and it would be easy to believe that I am unlikeable due to that fact...


    @[Clayton] @[Solace] I promise she will brighten up... maybe lol.  Though I guess I don't imagine she has her full set of horns.  She is just a baby so it is more nubbins XD
    //Fear Illusionism-Trait Immunity-Goat Mimicry\\
    Goat Mimicry Characteristics- Goat hair, Goat horns, Cloven hooves 
    *Illusions intensity is up to player*
    -Immune to mental traits-

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Can you See the Truth Behind a Curtain of Lies? [Clayton, Solace & Family] - by Kreed - 10-10-2018, 07:48 PM

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