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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    One foot toward the gallows || Breckin, Vulgaris ||
    Lately, she'd caught herself studying the skies, gaze lifted upward in hopeless regard, waiting for what felt like the inevitable to finally rain down on her.  That was the way he had escaped, after all, purple wings unraveled to throw himself into the limitless open plains, knowing full well there was no way she'd be able to counter an aerial retreat.  Before she had dreamed what the winds might feel like pressing under her, but the wonder of daydreams had bled into something more bitter, raising thoughts of pain and guilt where innocence had once grown.

    The slate lipped plane morphs into a deceptive curl, sneering at her own memory of his threat to make her another one of his rape victims.  Breckin had believed him, believed that he would try if given the opportunity--she'd searched his memories, and understood him to be just as vindictive in current times as he had been in the past.  Klaudius should have done it when he had the chance then when she'd been caught off guard, too stunned to fathom what was happening, and when she had been utterly alone.  But he hadn't, and his play at revenge may end up becoming his downfall.

    Today when her glance passes the horizon towards the vertical limits, she expects to see the pegasi that staked Nerine as their home--Castile, Nalia, and a handful of others perhaps, though if they are there, she passes over their silhouettes, searching for a glint of lavender contrasting with the cloud laced skies.  She makes an unsatisfied huff and nearly drops her gaze back to the rock walls until a blur of gold catches her attention.  For a moment she watches his skyfall into Nerine, only breaking her stare when she had no other choice and he disappears beyond the treeline.  Something threatens to rise within her, but she refuses to give in and instead latches onto the frustrations the waiting game that the purple nightmare was plaguing her with.

    Well versed in the coarse beauty that was her home, she's upon his landing ground quickly enough.  She watches him silently for longer than what might be deemed polite, dark eyes emblazed with curiosity as they take in his familiarity in its entirety.  They linger over his mouth, noticing the lack of fanged protrusions over his cobalt lip, remembering the way they felt as they grazed over her neck.  The reverie causes the severe line of her mouth to drift upward into a smile he might recognize.  She stifles the urge to quip smartly about the change in his appearance when her eyes thread the gap between where the Lord of Loess and his shadow scaled comrade.

    "I'm Breckin," she offers the unknown stallion, peering beneath her unruly forelock with a slight lilt of her head.  The intrusion of her sight causes the leopard mare to toss her head, attempting to rid the blockage to better view the pair.  The motion causes an unintentional wince, drawing on the still sore musculature of her neck and the lingering scab leftover from the escaped prisoner's parting gift.  "Wolfbane," she says, at last, reworking her fallen expression back into a shallow smile, "What brings you my way?"


    call me forward when the crown falls

    @[Wolfbane] @[vulgaris] @[Leilan] tagging you because not sure when you want to crash it :p

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    RE: One foot toward the gallows || Breckin, Vulgaris || - by Breckin - 10-08-2018, 03:04 PM

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