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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    we are one of a kind, irreplaceable; any


    Kensa has lived in Hyaline for a season but doesn’t know many of its occupants personally. Her sharp eyes and intense curiosity mean that she misses little and is familiar with the outlines of her neighbors even if she hasn’t yet had the opportunity to make the introductions that she would like to. Still, knowing what she does about the other members of the mountain kingdom Kensa is immediately certain that she stallion who appears out of the cave’s darkness and thereby temporarily spoils her explorations is not a part of the alpine herd. Or at least she has never set eyes on him. The appaloosa is steps into the sun beams that stream past her from the outside world, the light spilling over his black coat and giving the impression of purple spots against the dark canvas.

    The chestnut backs away, retreating into the dappled daylight before the mouth of the cave. ”Hello.” She says, surprised by the stallion’s presence even though she had suspected that someone might have been in the cave. The stranger has given his name but Kensa find another mare has joined their party, with wings like beacons and her attention turns from the stallion to the mare. She recognizes the mare as someone she’s seen from a distance and relaxes again. ”I’m Kensa. I’ve been here since the spring. Rhaegor brought me.” The girl says gently, it’s her own fault she doesn’t know more horses here, isn’t it? Her topaz eyes flick back to the stallion from the dark cave, waiting to hear how he had materialized in a Hyaline cave.

    Kensa is certain that this is one of the most awkward meetings of her life, but perhaps she is the only one who feels that. Drawing a deep breath to center herself, Kensa’s gaze travels down the path that had brought her here --how promisingly unused it had seemed! It is not empty now though, a tall young stallion has paused to take their measure, his mane a deep blue that makes her take a second look. Trying not to start out on the wrong foot with all her new acquaintances, she offers a smile and passes her gaze over each member of their little party. ”No interruption, please join us. I’m happy to meet all of you.” The chestnut mares silvery vocals are steady and kind. She stands quietly with patient interest in all her company despite her day having taken this unexpected turn.

    i'm burning like a fire gone wild on saturday
    guess i won't be coming to church on sunday
    i'll be waiting for love to come around

    @[Knaught] @[Ilma] @[Velk] Adding tags because I realized I forgot to. :S

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    RE: we are one of a kind, irreplaceable; any - by Kensa - 10-06-2018, 05:45 PM

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