”No home really, so I wouldn’t know.” Something like a half shrug. Her apology is appreciated even though he took no offense. He looks skyward, judging the position of the sun with a squint before returning his attention to the little mare. ”What are your plans now that you’re back home?” He is genuinely interested, not knowing himself what one does when they go back to a place they’ve left behind because he’s never done it himself. She must have family, old friends, old haunts that call to her. But perhaps Beqanna is much changed from the place where “some time ago” she was born and the people and places are gone and she looks now only for the feelings of them.
i've been a teacher and a student of hurt
i've kept my word for whatever that's worth
never been last but I've never been first
no, I may not be the best but I'm far from the worst