Well well, wasn't this an interesting week.
For the untrained eye, she's just a black filly - her rebirth had been this spring, and though she's by now taught herself how to survive on soft fruits and overly-long-chewed spring grass, it's been no fun to have to freakin' walk all over the place. Well, at least she's travelled a bit now. Yay me.
For a moment, she had debated not going home. She knew that as a baby this age without a milk-producing mother, she was just a burden to them; but she could not stand living in the fairies' den much longer. Ironically, that's how she'd met her father. But she guessed that was another story, one for later. For now, she had bigger things to worry about. Like getting home before dark (out of the question, the river was flowing the wrong way to swim with the current, and she was probably not going to get far enough today, having started from the meadow. The sun had passed noon some time ago now).
And when there's a yearling colt up ahead, she just scowls. Then sighs. Yeah, whatever. Add that to the list of delays. "Hi."
Might not befit a young filly born this spring - but well, she's a three-year-old in a baby's body. She has reasons to scowl.
has always been within