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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  it's something within me; raelynx
    ((I mean, please just assume a solid trigger warning for the rest of the thread, okay? :| :| :| Seriously please do not read if you are like in A N Y way squeamish, or if you’re triggered by physical or sexual violence, or--just skip this thread, alright? D: ))

    Dizzy fought, thrashing and kicking out, screaming and biting, and none of it made a damn bit of difference. The harder she fought, the more he liked it; maybe if she’d been smart, she would’ve stopped fighting, done anything she could to make herself less interesting once she caught his eye. Maybe it would’ve saved her, or at least meant he got bored with her sooner.

    But she’d never claimed to be smart.

    She shrieked and tried to pull free of his grip, fear spiking her heartbeat, firing her blood. But he kept her pinned to the tree, skin tearing against the rough bark as she fought to break free. He pushed harder against her, teeth holding on tight, blood trickling down her shoulder from the force of his bite. He dragged his way up onto her and she jerked away, scrambled forward, caught by his grip on her hips. She cried out in protest and bucked, trying to dislodge him to no avail - his grip was too damn strong, his weight too much for her to dislodge, his bite too hard to tear free. He dragged her back against him, resettling his weight on her, tugging her into position, and…

    She cried. She hated herself for it, that he could make her cry when nothing else had managed it in so long. Hated that breaking Zor’s heart hadn’t done it, that almost a year pining for Dov hadn’t brought tears to her eyes, that she couldn’t cry tears of joy over her little girls, but a sick bastard with fire in his skin and the devil in his eyes could drive her to tears with the strength of his body and the unrelenting force of his touch.

    God, and it would have been so easy to sink somewhere deep inside herself, run away into some dark corner of her mind and hide while he held her down and fucked her. She could have floated away, closed her eyes and left her body behind while he had his way with it. Just numbed out like she’d done for the last year, letting everything fall away until he was finished and left her lying in the dirt, used up and discarded and no longer worth his attention.

    Maybe she should have.

    Instead, she stayed with her body, bruised and battered and burned. She fought every thrust, sobbed and screamed and begged him to let her go, pleaded for mercy that wouldn’t come. It only spurred him on, made him take her harder, her frantic motions driving him higher until he came with a growl and one last vicious thrust, fire roaring to life again, branding his grip on her body into her skin and tearing another scream from her throat.

    “Mine,” he rasped, and she shuddered as he collapsed against her, rested his head on her shoulder, held her tight like he had a right to. Her skin twitched beneath his touch and her body shook, legs quaking as she fought to drag in breath after shallow breath. For once she stood motionless, head drooping to hang low as another shudder wracked her battered body. Still, even as tears stained her cheeks and the fight drained out of her, she whispered back.


    It didn’t matter, though. Mine was just a word, wasn’t it? Didn’t mean shit unless you let it, and she sure as hell wasn’t about to do that. “You’ve had your fun, now let me go,” she growled softly, trying to take advantage of his release and jerk out from under him, finally break free of his hold on her.

    “Doesn't matter what you say, I'll never be yours.”

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: it's something within me; raelynx - by Disastardly - 10-05-2018, 02:54 AM

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