the firestarters always get the burns
and the good guys never get the girl
Voices where there should not be some, makes the white mare overhead dive down for a landing. The caves echo footsteps, but most of all vooces and smells she doesn’t recognize.
How had she become so ignorant of those coming and going? Had she really put the politics ahead of greeting newcomers? Or had they snuck in without telling anyone? She begins to wonder.
None of that really mattered right now. At this point, she had no other option than to call out to them, which she did. ”Hello there! I don’t think we’ve met?” Standing near the cave entrance, her wings made of light get folded on her back to favour the other horses’ eyes. ”When did you arrive? I think I missed out on both of you?” she continues when her eyes have adjusted to the darkness within, vaguely spotting two horse-shaped shadows in the back.
But they don’t smell familiar and they don’t smell of the pastures surrounding the lake either. Surely they can’t have been here long.
She hopes.
@[Kensa] @[Knaught]