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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Out here with the moves || Dayé, Sawtooth ||
    Sawtooth is currently rolling around the flowering hills until her pelt is shiny and definitely flowery smelling when her name rings out loud and clear on the air. With tongue ever lolling out of her mouth, she raises her head before giving one last wiggle on the soft spongy earth and springing to her feet. It’s easy to scent the air and discern his position in the land so she pads slowly over to him.

    She finds it even harder to wipe the somewhat guilty look off her face because she knows she’s been remiss in her presence here. It couldn’t be helped. Or so she thought, blaming it all on growing pains even though she’s only a year old. Not once has she ever thought him as lax in looking after her. It might have been their mother’s last wish that he’d do so but she’d never hold him accountable for not following through when he had an entire kingdom to run.

    That and she’s spent an inordinate amount of time with their mother’s skull. She’d lay there with her head on her paws watching the waves roll in on the shore. Or lay on her back and watch the clouds scud by. Sometimes she’d bat at the tatters of golden skin still clinging to the skull or gnaw on some other less sacred but well-loved bone from mother’s corpse. 

    Occasionally she’d catch a rabbit for dinner or remember to eat grass if she was in her blue horse-skin. Food though was the farthest thing from her mind as she scented another wolf. It wasn’t the first time she had smelled a wolf on the air but figured her brother knew about another predator in his territory. It didn’t occur to her that it might possibly be a sibling of some sort.

    The scents of wolf and horse and flower all blend together in her sensitive nose as she comes closer but there are only two horses and no other wolves about besides her. She plops down on her sable haunches and peers up at the two with a puckish look. They could pass for lovers, maybe they are. “Am I interrupting?” she says with a growly laugh. How is she to know that the pretty mare is actually related to them? 

    @[Wolfbane] @[Dayé] this is utter shite but ily guys <3

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    RE: Out here with the moves || Dayé, Sawtooth || - by Sawtooth - 10-03-2018, 05:59 PM

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