Oh good, I've guessed her correctly. Yes, it does seem that Hyaline has split its needs precisely between her queens. A broad grin twitches at the corners of my petal pink lips, watching the looks that dart between my newfound companions. I'm half expecting someone to stick their tongue out at the the other, but the moment passes without event. Soon the conversation resumes, and I find that I like these ornery folk. For certain, they would need very little encouragement to lay into each other. Funny how such similar personalities take issue with one another.
Leilan, is it? At his offer to find the Nerinian monarch she nodded in appreciation. "I would be incredibly grateful for that, yes. I hope my experiences will be useful to the... Khaleesi, was it?" An interesting title, but it seemed to convey a similar meaning to my old one of Queen. Perhaps indicative of what seemed to be a more matriarchal society.
I do not miss the look on Kagerus' face as she creates some meaning from her morning adventure. Am I silly, to hold onto a title no longer owned? It's true that I no longer rule anything. Still, the emotions persist, that I must care for those few who still look up to me. To carry myself decorously, with grace. It was, still is, a difficult decision, to accept another as having power over me.
The decision may never have come were it not for the needs of my children. "I have three sons, though it's only the younger two who stay by me. My eldest went his own way two years ago. The twins are not so prone to wandering." I gestured with one wing to the landscape, a comfortable expression on my face. "This would be a place we'd all love, I think." My eyes crinkle at the corners as I take in these new acquaintances. Friends, perhaps.
@[Kagerus] @[Leilan]
Leilan, is it? At his offer to find the Nerinian monarch she nodded in appreciation. "I would be incredibly grateful for that, yes. I hope my experiences will be useful to the... Khaleesi, was it?" An interesting title, but it seemed to convey a similar meaning to my old one of Queen. Perhaps indicative of what seemed to be a more matriarchal society.
I do not miss the look on Kagerus' face as she creates some meaning from her morning adventure. Am I silly, to hold onto a title no longer owned? It's true that I no longer rule anything. Still, the emotions persist, that I must care for those few who still look up to me. To carry myself decorously, with grace. It was, still is, a difficult decision, to accept another as having power over me.
The decision may never have come were it not for the needs of my children. "I have three sons, though it's only the younger two who stay by me. My eldest went his own way two years ago. The twins are not so prone to wandering." I gestured with one wing to the landscape, a comfortable expression on my face. "This would be a place we'd all love, I think." My eyes crinkle at the corners as I take in these new acquaintances. Friends, perhaps.
@[Kagerus] @[Leilan]