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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Cast Your Spell On Me -{ANY, Warlight}
    Every Tape Has Two Sides
    Warlight was interested in the History of this filly who introduced herself as Tahti, she notes that she was once a member of Nerine but she was used as an exchange in an alliance. He was confused but did not question it, he did not know the history of either kingdoms, and truly the less he asked the quicker this trip would be. Tahti quickly changes the subject and notes she has spied on Nerine before, he glances a questioning look at her but instead he follows suit and begins there travel to Nerine.

    He stayed close to Warlight, he always had, she leans in close and whispers to him that they could visit the cubs tomorrow, they'd only be a day older. She tugged on his mane, and a smile grew on his maw, she always knew what to say. He nods his head silently and watches as she strides forward, taking lead of the trio and he could not help but laugh to himself. She was such a strong minded filly, she would make a fantastic leader one day, or even a warrior like she dreams of.

    They travel through the thick of the woods, plenty of stones and branches to avoid. Warlight broke out into a canter and he follows behind her, he remained a couple paces behind, he always enjoyed watching her move freely. The trio was nearly in a race, they rounded a corner faster than they probably should have. Around the corner was a visitor that would forever change there lives. A bear, and though the others saw the cubs Clayton did not. Warlight and Tahti seemed uncomfortable with the situation, but Clayton knew better Guys, its my sister Keeper! His pace did not slow, he ran up to the bear.

    As he grew near the two cubs grew into sight and as his eyes flicked back to the mother bear he realized the fear in everyone's eyes.

    It was too late, he was to close. He slid to a halt but he came face to face with the grown mother bear  The bear gave a gruesome roar and lifted off onto her hind feet, she towered taller than the tallest horse he has ever met. She was larger than Keeper when she was a bear. When the bear came down she striked at Clayton, he tried to avoid her attack and instead of hitting his face the bear slashed down his neck and Clayton screamed out in utter pain. RUN!! he yelled out hoping this time Warlight would actually listen to him  

    [Image: clayton_by_cowgirlconrad-dcmmo18.png]

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    RE: Cast Your Spell On Me -{ANY, Warlight} - by Clayton - 10-02-2018, 02:37 PM

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