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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The beginning of a life, and the ending of another - Birthing, any
    Leilan had smiled at her approach, and she had frowned, uttering a placid, You must come now.  With that she had turned back in the direction of the waiting pair, trusting in him fully enough to know that he would follow without further prompting and the sound of heavy footfalls behind her is satisfaction enough.  He hadn't questioned her, and for that she'd been thankful, loving him all over again for the way he so readily awaited her.  But she refuses to leave him in the dark, choosing to enlighten him with the news that a son of his was within Nerine.  She had spared him a sideways glance then as they neared their destination, watching as his pace seemed to quicken and his interest grew larger.

    Not right now. Another reminder, to ignore the strange feeling that had begun to grip her stomach.

    His demeanor is altered again shifting from eager curiosity to a blank shock as his tumultuous eyes take in the unexpected scene in front of him.  Nalia's stance becomes between Leilan and Roseen, and Breckin watches with vague amusement as the young girl holds her ground until she seems sure the roan stallion means no ill will.  A shadow of a small smile flickers at the corner of her lips, admiring the brazen nature of the filly as she finally steps away.  But it is only a brief moment before the promise of a grin dies to a flat plane again.

    The leopard mare tries, but she can't stop herself, and the memories of both Leilan and Roseen cross her mind's eye again--one of memories searching for a substitute, and one of memories falling in love with a handsome charmer.  And she's not sure which of them is sadder, which is more painful, which is more devastating.  Whose emotions was she even feeling right now?  His? Her? Her own?  It was exhaustingly confusing, and a fear rose in her as she realized that she'd soon lose all composure if this coiling whirlwind of bitter emotions didn't begin to loosen.

    Not right now.  The reminder felt more like a prayer now.

    The soft whine of the colt snaps her drifting gaze back to focus, watching as Roseen seems to withdraw within herself, seemingly unwilling to want to engage will Leilan much further.  Guilt rode heavy upon her conscious already, placing blame upon herself again for this entire unfortunate situation.  As much as she'd do anything to reverse the choices she had made, the rippling effect she had caused, she simply couldn't--having instead to bear the burden of the curse to relive their memories that would forever haunt her.  At least she could try to make amends from here, shed some light onto the shadows, giving them honest information so that either of them might make their choices based on fact.  

    The remembrance of the reasoning behind her bringing them together now causes a shallow confidence to bloom within her, raising her head to full height, her gaze hardens as it shifts between both Roseen and Leilan respectively.  She could have chosen to remain silent, let them figure out her intentions on their own, and maybe the old Breckin would have, but this version does not have the heart to let them guess at her reasonings.  She cared about both of them in their own different ways, and so they both deserved an explanation.  "Look," she says at last quietly, mindful of the sensitive ears of the resting foal.  Though quiet, she cannot help the firm edge her usually light voice takes, commanding all of their attention to turn towards her without the allowance of questioning before she was done speaking.  "I sincerely apologize for making this happy occasion uncomfortable all of a sudden, but you both deserve to know the truth.  I would love nothing more than for the both of you to be happy within my kingdom, but I felt as though you both needed to know that each other might be here before you made your choice."   Her tongue threatens to spill more, wanting to share bluntly the secrets she knew they both kept and just get on with it.  But she pins it between her teeth forcibly, painfully, resisting the urge to turn away or even look away from them for that matter, knowing that she could not force either of them into some semblance of amendment if they didn't want to.  And really that would be okay, but it was her job to see to it they at least have the opportunity presented to them.  

    Somehow she reins in what little composure she still has a hand on, her expression turning stoic, regal maybe even as she fails to mask all of her own pain behind the deep brown tone of her eyes, and allowing her voice to carry into silence.

    @[Leilan] @[Roseen] @[Nalia] ugh this was so difficult to write. its all over the place but really Breckin is super all kinds of conflicted right now so maybe it works lol

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    RE: The beginning of a life, and the ending of another - Birthing, any - by Breckin - 09-27-2018, 07:12 PM

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