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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    A quiz for everyone except Nev.
    How old are you? 27
    What is your middle name? Anne
    If you had to paint your house (or place of living) one colour what would it be? Slate grey/blue!
    On a scale of 1-10 how stinky are your farts? I can't judge my own farts! Hubby would say a solid 8 though, most likely.
    Caves or mountains? Mountains!
    Cliff jumping or scuba diving? SCUBA ALL THE WAY
    Did you used to write in such a way that made using the word 'labia' somehow acceptable? No, unfortunately.
    How long have you been at BQ? Offically? Maybe 2 years?
    If you could go back to one version, what would it be? Umm i haven't been here long enough to answer this question SO
    Alternatively, what colour would you want the next version to be? BLACK and DARK
    What do you think the one thing people know you for/remember you for is, on this site specifically? Probably wartang? Or all the different nicknames everyone's come up with for me.
    What's your preferred shoe wear? NONE but converses are the best.
    Dresses or pants? Dresses so I don't have to think.
    What's your favourite part about yourself? Physically, personality wise? Physically MY EYES. Personality, the fact that I'm *for the most part* pretty laidback.
    Cats or dogs? BOTH.
    Is your tongue comfortable in your mouth right now? Yes..thanks for asking.
    Do you have any Weird Cool Body Things???? Like extra fingers or half a toe? Tell me. :| Nope. Completely normal, unfortunately. No cool party tricks.
    Do you like making your ponies have angst, or would you rather feel good plots? All the angst. :|
    What is your most dark writing on this site? Smut, torture, murder, etc? Um, all of the above. /stares at Maugrim
    What is the writing you're most proud of on this site? Maugrim right now, because I finally feel like I'm getting to a darker side for a character!!!
    Which kingdom do you think you would be in, if you were in BQ? Tephra. Cause its basically Hawaii, duh.
    What is your first memory of BQ? First impression? Um Jenger invited me back when I was like 13. I was so scared so didn't join. Came back a few years later, joined a couple ponies, was still scared, so disappeared. And now here I am.
    Do you stalk the Q&A and updates boards or is that just me? I stalk everything, always.
    Do you want to be a published author? Nah. I don't think I could actually finish anything I start.
    What's one Really Cool Thing about yourself? HAH NOTHING JOKE'S ON YOU.
    Did you have any fun hobbies/sports back in high school/college? Um. Writing fake ponies. :|
    If you could have on trait from BQ for yourself, which would it be and why? SHIFTING. Cause, how freaking awesome.

    Do you have any characters that were supposed to be a random breeding and ended up being your main? I don't do random breedings. :|
    If you could meet one of your characters in real life, who would it be and why? WARRICK. We'd be best buds.
    Which of your characters do you think you could kill in hand to hand combat with? I mean, hypothetically. Oh lord. Maybe Svedka? Geez. This is a terrible question.
    Which character of yours do you find the absolute cutest? Sviko & Svedka, obvi.
    The most lovable? WARRIIIIICKKK <3
    The least lovable? Maugrim. Wink
    The most annoying? Svedka, probably. Just ask Kag.
    If you had to choose one character to write forever and no other one, which would you pick? Oh man that'd be so hard. Um, probably Warrick? But maybe Warden? ACK.
    Which character is the most like you? Warrick. :|
    Which character is the least like you? Maugrim...aren't yall glad?
    Which character has been around the longest and why haven't you killed them yet? Warrick, and he's currently riddled with disease so LET'S SEE.
    If you could make everyone thread with one character of yours, which would it be? Right now, definitely would be Warden!

    Which character do you secretly have a massive, throbbing crush on? (If I can admit to it so can you)
    I think it will forever be Crevan. :|
    Which character makes you want to scream? (You can interpret why you're screaming) Marble, but the kind of screaming where I'm just in awe so no words come out and just incomprehensible shrieking
    Which character do you see on the 'recent posts' board and literally compulsively have to read whatever they wrote? I do that with basically everyone. I SEE ALL.
    Which character is the most bad ass and why? Kagerus. She won't take any shit but she can sure love you down Wink
    If you had to play match maker with the current leaders, who would end up with who? Breckin and Wolfbane. :| NO SHAME.
    Favourite mare, now or ever? Solid tie between Marble and Solace.
    Favourite stallion, now or ever? Pretty sure it's Ivar!
    Compliment at least five characters from different players, go! (I had demands on discord to say specific names but HERE I'VE DONE YOU ALL A FAVOUR AND LEFT IT OPEN ENDED)
    Sochi by Laura is amazing, I love her and am so inspired by this character!!!!
    Hurricane by Insane (lol, that rhymes) got me feeling some type of way, I'm super intimidated threading with him but SO EXCITED cause it's HURRICANE!
    Glassheart by Nev is just enchanting and whimsical even though there is so much trauma and stuff going on in her mind. I LOVE IT.
    Keeper by Kristin, because she is magical and wonderful and always gives me the muse!
    Celest by Lavender has always been a favorite of mine and I am so excited to have a thread with her omg!!!!

    Say something about three other players that explain the very first thing you think of when you think of them. For example Nev is stinky (and I love her).

    Kahzie = Jason Momoa, cause of all the gifs she spammed with us that one day
    Jenger = puppies, China, & ponies
    Lavender = pottery & panera's coffee Tongue

    Who makes your heart go "!!!!!!!" when they pop up in Cbox? Lav, Jeng, Sidkid, Cal <3
    If you could choose one place for all the BQ players to meet, where would it be? DISNEY WORLDDDDDDD.
    Who HAVE you met and where and how because I want to know? Lav! Her and I live about 40 minutes from each other, we've met up to write posts together and drink coffee. <3
    Who do you think you could wrestle with and be pretty evenly matched? I would kick all of y'alls butt's. Except maybe Kortnee's.
    If you could go horse back riding with one other player who would it be? JENGERRRR
    Who have you spoken to most since starting at BQ? Technically Jenger cause she tried to get me to join literally decades ago!
    Who do you not talk to that much but absolutely ADORE? Insane. Venge. Jassal. Sam. Toli.
    If you could make some players come back who would they be (in light of this huge wave of oldies coming back)? I KNOW NO ONE I AM A BABY I CAN'T ANSWER THIS
    If you were playing 7 minutes in heaven with the BQ gals, who would you be stuck in that closet with :| Probably Sid, tbh. Wink
    Whose rants do you stalk the most? Everyone's. I STALK EVERYTHING GUYS I'M NOT KIDDING.
    If you could be a bridesmaid in a player's wedding, whose would it be? Jenger's ;_;
    Who is the sassiest? Sid! (but secretly Jenger) and Nilla!
    Who is the sweetest? ME. But also can be Nilla (she is spicy/sweet, like a sour patch kid Tongue )
    Who is the loveliest? ALSO ME. But if that can't be an answer, it's definitely Laura.
    Who is the stinkiest? This is mean! (But it's Sid)
    Who writes the best smut? Probably Calcifer!
    Who should host a quest? Calcifer :|
    Who writes the best angst? Jenger!
    Who do you wish you wrote with more? KRISTIN. Avion. Nilla. Nev. Neo. Honestly it's everyone so just write with me please, okay?
    Say a gazillion things about all the people you haven't mentioned yet! A gazillion? That's a bit extensive.

    Which BQ family is your favourite? Totally biased, but Wartang. :|
    Whose lines do you drool over? Kag's lines right now; she's got some good stuff going on.
    Do you spend hours looking in the member database at lines or traits? No. I ain't got time for that.
    If you could say one thing to our amazing officers what would it be? THANK YOU FOR PUTTING UP WITH OUR SHIT. We love you <3
    If your character knew what memes were which would be their favourite? This is Warrick's favorite cause his whole life is a reality show with him staring into cameras: [Image: tumblr_inline_mgv01qbWPt1r5c8sb.gif]
    What is your favourite meme? [Image: WaterloggedHandsomeGyrfalcon-small.gif]
    Do you have social media that we can stalk you on?? YES.
    For the love of god say something nice about people because I am getting HARASSED for not asking for specifics. I LOVE EVERYONE HERE AND I LOVE THIS PLACE AND UGH WE ARE ALL SO BEAUTIFUL AND BLESSED
    Favourite quest? Demon Quest!!!!
    If you could host a quest what would it be about? I would never. But, if I did, it would be terrible and probably themed around nightmares/dreams or something silly.
    Do you want !rank to display your rank on discord? YES CAUSE I WANNA WIN.
    What is your love language? Quality time <3333
    svedka - balto - warden - molech - sunlight
    olena - skandar - starlight - burdock - bluebell - ciroc - maylene

    Messages In This Thread
    A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by Sid - 09-23-2018, 05:44 PM
    RE: A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by laura - 09-23-2018, 06:26 PM
    RE: A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by Radar - 09-23-2018, 06:30 PM
    RE: A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by devin - 09-23-2018, 08:38 PM
    RE: A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by Sid - 09-23-2018, 10:10 PM
    RE: A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by Bruja - 09-23-2018, 10:17 PM
    RE: A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by Nev - 09-23-2018, 11:41 PM
    RE: A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by Leah - 09-24-2018, 02:38 PM
    RE: A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by Lydia - 09-24-2018, 04:50 PM
    RE: A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by taz - 09-24-2018, 05:13 PM
    RE: A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by Neo - 09-25-2018, 10:17 PM
    RE: A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by Cassi - 09-28-2018, 06:16 PM
    RE: A quiz for everyone except Nev. - by Jassal - 10-01-2018, 11:07 AM

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