07-23-2015, 01:52 PM
this will never end, ‘cause i want more, more, give me more
There is no one left to recognize the old face anyway, so what does it matter?
There was only Gail and her lover, and Gail died with a screeching, clanging sound. Her lover didn’t give a fuck.
The very distant past only matters to Lagertha, it seems. It was a far second to the very recent past, however, and she isn’t entirely pleased when Scorch comes to interrupt her conversation. Yes, the mare is new, and yes, she is the Queen, so Lagertha supposes it is her duty to meet all newcomers. But the naked mole rat neatly sidestepped the General and hijacked the whole situation. Lagertha throws her a dirty side look while the two are talking about Echion and has the very childish idea to poke her with her new horns.
We both know she won’t do that, but the image is enough make her stop seething. Also, a fat, naked horse is pretty darn ugly, so at least she’s beating Scorch in that regards. Not that they’ve ever been in competition for anything like that, and Lagertha would never be described as beautiful. She is fierce, intimidating, broad, and strong. Beautiful and Lagertha will never go hand-in-hand. But it was nice to see Tantalize flinch when Scorch came around. Ha! Without much to contribute to the conversation, Lagertha coolly interjects, “Well would you look at the time? I have recruits to train.” She gives each of them a curt nod and turns to walk away, but as she goes, she shouts back over her shoulder, “Welcome back, Tantalize. If you feel like joining the Army, just ask for Lagertha. Someone will point you my way.”
And with that, she leaves the two of them to reminisce and the past, while she focuses on the future.
carnage x grim reaper; amazonian general