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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  the everlasting ghost of what once was - kagerus - private

    Sleep had rarely come easily for Solace.
    It had been something she wrestled with, a beast to be tamed, a friend who was so hard to pin down you started to wonder if they were a friend at all. But Kagerus had changed that. Solace had never felt more alive than in the days after their sultry nights together, and despite their active family and bustling kingdom, which should have drained her, her mate soothed her as no one else could. Kagerus pulled her into the sleep she craved with opium dreams, kissing her in ways that left her no other option than to breathlessness tumble into her bed, smiling and exhausted. 

    And the lack of rest, it only made her queen's absence more profound. 

    Solace hadn't truly slept since Kagerus left after their fight. The list of places she could have gone was terrifyingly infinite, and Solace can only assume she meant to barter with some higher power. To tempt fate and risk her own safety (the safety of their home) for a gift Solace had never asked for. It wasn't a risk she had wanted Kagerus to take - no matter the prize.

    A deep weariness had ground her down.  Deep in her skull, a dull ache had taken root like a thistle in the soft tissue of her mind. Only days had passed, yet the changes could be seen in her appearance, the way the light caused her to squint, and how she always kept the sun at her back. 

    It is a relief to escape this night, to fall into a sleep.

    Only a heartbeat passes before Solace feels her. Kagerus is alive, close, pressed against her consciousness like cool water on a burn. She clings to the contact, wrapping her awareness around that of her mate with the force of a northern gale. There may be miles and mountains between them, but Solace's soul recognizes the touch of her lover.


    Gently, Solace reaches to disrobe the dark shadow that is her mate's conciseness, seeking closer contact. But when a tender pull does not lose the black cloak around her, the light-being allows her hand to fall beside her pale, naked thigh.   

    This isn't their sultry dreamscape of cigarettes and hot, sleepless nights; it is stripped down, bare bones, without the garnish and artistic flair they so often indulged in when their minds tangled together in the world of endless possibilities. Solace melts into the mist of what she can only name their souls, pressing her own shapeless being against the other, wrapping her with warmth, with love.

    They are together, and Solace focuses on pressing every ounce of her love and longing into the dusky haze that is her mate. 

    If anyone was watching her physical body they would see the fine hairs along her spine stand on end, and a pulse of electric blue light thrum across her hide once before dimming to a barely perceptible sheen across her coat. Her lips move soundlessly as she whispers in their dream, a dark and aching plea. 

    "come back home"


        we're reeling through an endless fall
    we are the ever-living ghost of what once was

    @[Kagerus] New HTML? I see you and i raise you

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    RE: the everlasting ghost of what once was - kagerus - by Solace - 09-18-2018, 01:05 PM

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