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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Brother where art thou - Simeon
    as the winds blow, so will I know...
    His urge to wander is a living thing inside him. Like the rise and fall of the tide on the beach, or like the way the winds blow when a storm gathers. It pulls him and he must answer the call. To distant horizons, to see things he's never seen before. To feel different forms of the earth beneath him, to meet different types of people. It all could be so exciting. Too see how far his body could take him, how truly powerful he was- even without the powers given to many in the land of Beqanna. He'd never needed any of that. There was this power all his own within him, and this time, it had called him back home. With the passing of his parents, he'd needed to be away- needed to grieve the way only he could. Too soon. It'd been too soon that they'd gone together from this world. He'd had family here, siblings and other blood, but they all had their own thing going. In the end, his urges won him over and he'd had to go. But he never forgot them. Knew that one day he'd be back and could reunite with them and see how they all had changed. What the Scortoni legacy had become.

    With the coming of a spring storm, the clouds swarm overhead, a bit dark and gloomy. The wind rustles through trees in forewarning. And thunder rumbles softly in the distance. He loves storms, feels in tune to the natural power of the world. There is a harmonious thrum of his heart and hoofbeats as he moves in time to the music of it. The wind and the birds chattering. He runs more than dances, but there is a rhythm and grace to him that he has perfected over the years. His nose is tucked in so his neck muscles are flexed, frosted black mane tapping against his roany hide with each collected stride. Adrenaline flows through him, a familiar burn through his veins. The feel of his muscles bunching and contracting as he carries himself tirelessly back over known territory. Into the Meadow; one of his favorite places in Beqanna. Leaping over obstacles and striding through the trees, he finally slows once he's passed well into the land. He smiles as bi-colored eyes scan over the horses scattered about, his breaths already coming even. The meadow was always a place where any could come, with no pressure or expectations. You never know who you'll come across here, stranger or friend. Although the former was more the case for him now, having been gone for a time and seeing none a familiar face. And new faces to the world over as well, he notices a few foals with their mothers. He nods to one set as he passes, a polite smile on his lips even as a small pang rings through his chest. The oldest son of Hestoni and Scorch, and he'd never had a family. Some legacy he was. Although theirs had been a love to match none other, in his eyes. Call him a romantic, but he had been waiting for something similar. He had always thought one day he would find her- the one he could love for an eternity. Hell, at this rate though, perhaps he was better off just taking what he could get.

    Shaking his head clear of such thoughts, he wanders through the meadow at an easy pace, finding a familiar tree that he had always thought was a good scratching post in the spring time. Indulging himself for a moment, loosening up a bit of shagginess from the passing of winter, his gaze continues to roam the field in search of someone to perhaps strike a conversation with. It isn't until he spots the other bay roan covered in scales with gold and silver in his mane that his curiosity is truly peaked. Making his way over to him, Sim studies the other stallion as he grazes with those shark teeth of his. Fascinating. The roan and scales on his body, the strange eyes. It's really the eyes that give him the clue. His mother had very similar ones. His heart skips at the possibility of another brother (full of females, their family), or perhaps another such blood relative, but he didn't want to be presumptuous. Beqanna is full of traited horses, some similar in ways to others. Still, there are enough similarities to him that he has a strong feeling about it. This male is a bit thicker in bone than Sim, reminding him a lot of Shahrizai, so he moves to make an introduction. "Hello there." A small, unimposing smile and dip of his head. "Scusami for intruding on you, signore." His voice is rich and accented with the language he'd learned from his pa; only some words- the rest he'd picked up elsewhere to honor the man. "My name is Simeon. Perhaps you knew my parents? Scorch and Hestoni?" His two-toned eyes are sparked with interest as he awaits his answer. Better to be forward with his question, he surmised. Although really, who would have thought that the first person he'd meet upon returning to Beqanna would happen to be a brother of his?
    as the grasses grow, so will I go…
    as far as the skies will take me nothing can break me…
    as the winds blow

    First post with him in sooo long! Hope it's not terrible <3

    Messages In This Thread
    Brother where art thou - Simeon - by Leilan - 09-17-2018, 05:12 AM
    RE: Brother where art thou - Simeon - by Simeon - 09-17-2018, 01:23 PM
    RE: Brother where art thou - Simeon - by Leilan - 09-17-2018, 02:16 PM
    RE: Brother where art thou - Simeon - by Simeon - 09-18-2018, 12:24 PM
    RE: Brother where art thou - Simeon - by Leilan - 09-21-2018, 12:41 PM

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