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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Are The Rumors True? ||Breckin, Any||

    The new queen disclosed that she did not have any jobs that she needed Loess for, Arthas only dips his head in acknowledgement. She does add in that she was pleased with the fast and safe capture of Klaudius, the purple stallion Nerine hired Loess to capture. He gives another nod, he too was glad they were able to apprehend Klaudius without harm of any Loess members.

    Though the mention of a foal swap turned the conversation sour, and she notes that she does not like using tools as bartering. Before he could get in a response the half horse half feline Rome piped in, he requested that Nerine children be protected, that they should not be used as pawns. He knew what the spotted stallion was getting at, that Loess should not harm any foals, though he had no intentions on carrying out such acts, if he had to he would. His gaze flicks from Rome to Breckin A foal swap is not a pawn, it is used to strengthen the ties between two kingdoms, it is also used to gain experience of the foal. Once the foal is weaned from its mother the kingdoms will 'swap' foals, the foal will be raised in Loess as a Loess member, treated no differently. They will be able to gain knowledge that they perhaps would not have if they remained solely in there home kingdom. Of course, the foal will be able to leave as pleased once an adult as any foal from any kingdom is free to choose there fate. He does his best to explain the full details of a foal swap, it is anything but using foals as a pawn.

    Then...Of course they were poking, trying to get as much information about the drama that went down with Loess and Hyaline, though it was not information for there knowledge. She even went so far as to warn Arthas to not mess with Hyaline he leaned in, his eyes narrowed in on the queen. I see... did she really just threaten him? Threaten Loess? He could not keep a grin from growing on his maw, he flicked his tail in annoyance and dipped his head. I will be sure to pass the information on to Wolfbane, we appreciate you holding up the deal Nerine had with Loess. Until next time, Brecking, Rome. He looked to both before turning and departing.
    Dangerous Business

    @[Breckin] @[Rome] closing post

    Messages In This Thread
    Are The Rumors True? ||Breckin, Any|| - by Arthas - 08-29-2018, 07:20 PM
    RE: Are The Rumors True? ||Breckin, Any|| - by Arthas - 09-15-2018, 08:47 PM

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