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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    This Feels Like Home To Me (Ilma)
    Aten watched the mare closely for a moment, though his eyes showed no signs of hostility. She edged closer to the golden stallion, keeping a respectable distance but showing she wanted to interact with him. Aten lifted his head some to make himself appear less intimidating; his older sister often joked that was the case since his forelock was so long and had a tendency to cover his eyes when his head was down.

    The mare made a comment about Aten's answer, stating her wish that only the harsh winter season had been his sole hardship, and not any of the predatory animals that lived in the area. The stallion's thoughts went to the recently acquired wound on his left flank, that area of his body seeming to twitch as if it knew what he was thinking. He shifted his weight to stand tall on all four legs, and to hopefully get rid of the annoying pinching feeling in his hind leg.

    The mare also made a comment about how actions and trouble of the mind can continue to haunt one longer than any sort of other trouble, something that nearly made Aten scoff. Through sheer will he held it in, but couldn't help thinking to himself, Truer words have never been said...

    When it seemed she was ready to move onto a new part of their conversation, the mare offered her name and the kingdom she hailed from. Ilma... it was a pretty name, well suited for the mare. Aten dipped his head in greeting, even though official 'hellos' had already been exchanged.

    "Well met Ilma. My name is Aten," he offered. "And, no, I have not always lived here." He hesitated a moment, unfortunate memories being dragged to the surface of his mind, "I... once called Taiga my home, before its destruction some time ago. I... some friends of mine and I had planned to go back, but... something happened to one of them. I dropped contact with them, and... I came out here, to the forest, to escape for some time. I've been here since. I'm not sure why, but... something in my gut was just telling me I had to come out of hiding, for a change. I have yet to learn why."

    He questioned her again, "I had heard a great deal about Hyaline, before I left Taiga. What is such a kingdom like now? Has it changed much from the view it was many moons ago?"


    Messages In This Thread
    This Feels Like Home To Me (Ilma) - by Aten - 09-11-2018, 07:09 AM
    RE: This Feels Like Home To Me (Ilma) - by Ilma - 09-12-2018, 06:28 AM
    RE: This Feels Like Home To Me (Ilma) - by Aten - 09-12-2018, 05:06 PM
    RE: This Feels Like Home To Me (Ilma) - by Ilma - 09-14-2018, 10:27 AM
    RE: This Feels Like Home To Me (Ilma) - by Aten - 09-15-2018, 12:16 AM
    RE: This Feels Like Home To Me (Ilma) - by Ilma - 09-15-2018, 04:35 PM
    RE: This Feels Like Home To Me (Ilma) - by Aten - 09-16-2018, 12:10 AM
    RE: This Feels Like Home To Me (Ilma) - by Ilma - 09-16-2018, 06:07 AM
    RE: This Feels Like Home To Me (Ilma) - by Aten - 09-16-2018, 06:05 PM
    RE: This Feels Like Home To Me (Ilma) - by Ilma - 09-17-2018, 03:45 PM
    RE: This Feels Like Home To Me (Ilma) - by Aten - 09-17-2018, 05:44 PM
    RE: This Feels Like Home To Me (Ilma) - by Ilma - 09-21-2018, 04:59 PM
    RE: This Feels Like Home To Me (Ilma) - by Aten - 09-22-2018, 01:14 AM
    RE: This Feels Like Home To Me (Ilma) - by Ilma - 09-23-2018, 06:13 AM

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