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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Are The Rumors True? ||Breckin, Any||

    Shifting her gaze between Rome and Arthas respectively, she takes a quiet moment to collect her thoughts.  They'd begun to ramble and blur together, leading her back the troublesome path of undesirable anxiety.  It had begun to hit her then, as she stood between the Champion of Loess and the Nerinian warrior, the magnitude of very much how real the situation was.  Like a weight pressing down upon her, the burgeoning realization settled into her worries for the first time.  I'm running a fucking kingdom.  Before, maybe she had just been too shocked to even allow the truth of the matter to settle in.  So why did it have to be now, when she was trying to remain diplomatic?

    Again with the masks, again with the display of false composure.  She would get through this first, then allow herself the time to fully recognize the title she now bore.  When it came down to it, she could not flee from this gathering of minds, and she would have to bare heedance to what was best for Nerine's resident's and allies alike.

    Pulling the strings at the corners of her lips, the flat line of her mouth regains its friendlier stance.  "At this present time, Nerine does not have any jobs that need completing, though I do commend Loess's smooth apprehension of Klaudius.  I was glad to learn that all parties involved turned out no worse for wear."  

    The dappled stallion's mention of a foal swap causes Breckin's smile to falter slightly, considering the implications of a foal swap.  It is concerning to her, for the sake of Rome and Porcia, that they seem to be the only pairing with foals as of late.  And the idea puts her on edge, uneasy with the thought of placing a Leviathan child into a land that does its bidding based on contracted alliances.  What if Nerine were no longer the highest beneficiary?  Even with her doubts, she is still willing to hear out his explanation.  "Can you explain what the terms of a foal swap would be?  I beg your forgiveness, and maybe it's because I'm new to ruling, but I have some worries with using children as bartering tools."

    Nodding as Arthas responds to her last statement, she doesn't press the issue and pry for more details about the happenings between Ischia and Hyaline.  Instead, she sighs softly, the darkness of her gaze shifting towards mild sadness.  "Hyaline has informed me of their side of the story, and obviously, I don't know Lepis's reasonings for doing what she did.  And sadly for that matter, I don't have to know.  There have been deals and contracts made long before I became queen and obligations that must be kept even if they weren't promises spoken directly from my lips.  This inheritance belongs to Nerine, and by default, it is my own."   Pausing a moment, she casts a glance back to Rome before meeting with Arthas once more.  "So I must strongly advise Loess to refrain from making Hyaline feel threatened again."

    The whole situation gave her mixed feelings.  Sadness and regret that she had to speak with such harshness, but at the same time confident in her stance.  Even though the favors owed were not her own, how would it speak of her if she did not come to honor them when she is so readily willing to uphold Wishbone's contract with Loess?


    call me forward when the crown falls

    @[Rome] @[Arthas] sorry I rambled a bit @_@ Trying to maybe wrap things up soon since obviously Arthas isn't in Loess anymore XD

    Messages In This Thread
    Are The Rumors True? ||Breckin, Any|| - by Arthas - 08-29-2018, 07:20 PM
    RE: Are The Rumors True? ||Breckin, Any|| - by Breckin - 09-10-2018, 03:28 PM

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