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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I’m gonna stand here in the ache; vulgaris
    "  when she's coming for my heart it feels like armageddon. "

    His greed has become a sickness in him, turning him to something new. Today he is shame incarnate while she is grace on earth. If Vulgaris is a monster (and he is, he is) then she is the fair maiden he lures into his terrible lair. And she comes along so readily as if he could offer her even a fraction of the happiness she deserves. Could she still proclaim her love when she sees dried blood caked all across him? Would she still trust in him when she can’t look him in the eye without staring also at the fresh new wounds like jagged lines across his face.

    Here it is, the secret he keeps locked away from everyone.
    Gather ‘round and stare in awe at the creature of Loess.

    But she is so heavy with their child that he can’t bear to be away from her for much longer. She’s better than sleep when she’s nearby and he lays awake watching her for hours. Dreams are nothing compared to her so he forgoes them for as long as he may. This is why he seeks her out when he returns home despite his condition. He’ll have no choice but to confess at least some of the darkness he tries to keep leashed and chained within.

    He keeps his distance so she can’t see the gruesome details of his new face. Vulgaris feels inadequate before her, unworthy of basking in her beauty when she radiates everything he desires in this life. A slow sigh breathes from him and he gathers the courage to speak to her before she has to ask him what’s happened.

    I’ve made another mistake,” he explains in a voice that comes out rather flat. It’s a defense mechanism, of course, to hide all the monsoon of emotions tossing and turning inside him. “I tried to eat the queen of Hyaline.

    He still doesn’t know if the fight was real or just a fraction of some fever dream but he remembers the taste of her blood when she let her guard down. It scares him, knowing that the hunger always finds him when something beautiful and vulnerable is nearby. Vulgaris wants to chase Leliana away before she ever lets him tear her apart. Another part of him wants to take her by the throat and crush her into submission. He wants to kiss her so hard it hurts and tell her that she belongs with him - to him.

    I always try to ruin anything good in this world. I want to break everything I can’t have.

    The serpent won’t let her heal these wounds, he knows, and so he watches her warily to ensure she doesn’t try. These scars have been earned and he’s one step closer to having a body worthy of who he truly is – an ugly, twisted thing. But he edges closer, starving for her touch and affection even when he doesn’t deserve it. He breathes her in just inches from her skin, inhales the scents of where she’s been. There is something foreign there and the discovery drags a low growl from deep within his belly.

    His lips peel back to bear his teeth while his eyes narrow. His skin burns with the insatiable need for violence again. Somehow, it is never fully satisfied.

    I’ll chew his spine clean from the rest of him. We’ll have a baptism in blood.
    If you don't want him to know about dovev yet just lmk and i'll 100% edit this lol. SORRY HE'S SO INTENSE.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: I’m gonna stand here in the ache; vulgaris - by vulgaris - 09-09-2018, 02:11 AM

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