<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Playfair+Display:900" rel="stylesheet"><style type="text/css">.bane4_container {position: relative;z-index: 1;width: 500px;padding: 15px;background: #000 url("https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e8/29/66/e829660b87d8dbb30a27d3402a9e89fb.jpg")no-repeat center top;border-left: 2px solid #dedede;border-right: 2px solid #dedede;box-shadow: 0 0 2em #000;}.bane4_container p {margin: 0;}.bane4_message {text-align: justify;font: 12px 'Times New Roman', serif;padding: 15px 20px;color: #bfbfbf;background: rgba(99, 99, 99, 0.77);border-left: 2px solid #dedede;border-right: 2px solid #dedede;}.bane4_name {text-align: center;font: 60px 'Playfair Display', serif;color: rgba(191, 191, 191, 0.77);text-shadow: 0px 0px 4px #000;padding: 0;}.bane4_quote {text-align: center;font: 12px 'Playfair Display', serif;color: rgba(191, 191, 191, 0.77);padding-top: 5px;}</style><center><div class="bane4_container"><p class="bane4_name" style="padding-top: 350px;">WOLFBANE</p><p class="bane4_message">Dawn broke, and with it came the soaring form of Wolfbane. Just because his life and the lives of those around him were shifting significantly, keeping them from settling into complacent peace, it didn’t mean he could take his own oaths lightly.
He’d asked them to support a takeover - no light feat - and three had responded to the call. Rey asked for nothing and preferred her anonymity (why she’d gone to Sylva in the first place is beyond him) so that was what he’d give her; Titus and Vulgaris, however, deserved more.
For Titus at least there could be this: Bane’s choice to exert himself and petition the powers beyond his means. Something his sire had always warned was to <i>never</i> dabble with magic (nothing was ever truly free, after all) but the young Lord of Loess is keen on his history.
Once there had been magic rampant, Kings and Queens doling it out themselves to committed members but always with the power tied to their respective homeland. Wolfbane reasons that just like the old ways there’s still a sliver of that possibility left, that his flying to the side of the mountain for a wicked hike will show his intent to give Loessians a means of making themselves greater.
He only hopes the powers beyond might see it as well.
Landing cliffside, the oddly-patterned pegasus buffets himself against roaring wind and snow, digging into the icy precipice for a foothold. Farther up the air was too thin and much too cold for flight, so a slippery trudge will have to do. He’s determined, though. Neither the hurtful trips or freezing temperatures will deter him from his goal and at last, when he’s knocked himself silly from a misstep, he rises once more to see a clearing in the skyline.
A trickle of blood pools into his left eye; he’s cut himself.
<b>“I’m overstepping myself, I know.”</b> The panting stallion begins, feeling the cut freeze painfully, <b>“Titus is brave and deserving, surely you can see that. I won’t always be able to be there and protect him, or all of them for that matter.”
“But you can help him defend himself - much better than I can - and in a world like ours, young flighty stallions need all the help they can get.”</b> He smiles ironically, blinking against the nearness of the sun.</p><p class="bane4_quote">|| The Pirate Lord of Loess ||</p></div></center>
He’d asked them to support a takeover - no light feat - and three had responded to the call. Rey asked for nothing and preferred her anonymity (why she’d gone to Sylva in the first place is beyond him) so that was what he’d give her; Titus and Vulgaris, however, deserved more.
For Titus at least there could be this: Bane’s choice to exert himself and petition the powers beyond his means. Something his sire had always warned was to <i>never</i> dabble with magic (nothing was ever truly free, after all) but the young Lord of Loess is keen on his history.
Once there had been magic rampant, Kings and Queens doling it out themselves to committed members but always with the power tied to their respective homeland. Wolfbane reasons that just like the old ways there’s still a sliver of that possibility left, that his flying to the side of the mountain for a wicked hike will show his intent to give Loessians a means of making themselves greater.
He only hopes the powers beyond might see it as well.
Landing cliffside, the oddly-patterned pegasus buffets himself against roaring wind and snow, digging into the icy precipice for a foothold. Farther up the air was too thin and much too cold for flight, so a slippery trudge will have to do. He’s determined, though. Neither the hurtful trips or freezing temperatures will deter him from his goal and at last, when he’s knocked himself silly from a misstep, he rises once more to see a clearing in the skyline.
A trickle of blood pools into his left eye; he’s cut himself.
<b>“I’m overstepping myself, I know.”</b> The panting stallion begins, feeling the cut freeze painfully, <b>“Titus is brave and deserving, surely you can see that. I won’t always be able to be there and protect him, or all of them for that matter.”
“But you can help him defend himself - much better than I can - and in a world like ours, young flighty stallions need all the help they can get.”</b> He smiles ironically, blinking against the nearness of the sun.</p><p class="bane4_quote">|| The Pirate Lord of Loess ||</p></div></center>