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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  What Goes Around, Comes Around {Solace}
    Since becoming Queen of Loess -ah that has a nice ring to it doesn't it- she had made it her mission to learn all of what was happening within the lands.  Well, it wasn't too difficult with supernatural hearing, she could eavesdrop on conversations a mile away. So when a little birdie whispered that a Loess member had been stolen to Hyaline, she decided in that moment that a visit was needed, it had been years since she had spoken with her "sister"...

    Winter's chill was thickening her coat, much to her dismay -it always made her look, poofy.  Though it did make the cold more bearable, she wasn't sold on its necessity.  The white flakes were falling once again in Loess, as she moved through the lands -north- just before dawn.  With speed unknown to most creatures, she barely left tracks in her wake.  If one was to attempt to follow them, they may find crucial pieces missing of the trail.  With such speed, her travels to Hyaline takes mere moments in comparison to lesser beings.  Her only halt is at the border, where her dished profile rises to catch scent of those within the valley.  

    A gentle breeze drifts by, wafting the scent of many but she strategically filters the one she seeks, Solace.  A grin curls the corners of her lips, exposing the razor sharp canines extending from her upper jaw.  A brief pause is given before she dodges into the shadows of dawn that stretched across the land, cloaked in a light dusting of crystallized water...

    Sienna eyes trace along the edges of tree and land to find the butterscotch and baby blue mare.  A light backsplash of winter white, made the winged creature picturesque.  Envy was an ugly thing, but she could not deny how she envied her sisters beauty. 

    As she comes to rest within sight and speaking distance -mindful of the shift of shadow- she calls out her greeting, "Solace... Sister... it has been too long." A smirk quirks at her lips but not enough to flash a toothy grin.  Her gaze regards the splashed mare with familiarity and she wonders if there is the same recognition on the other end.  They were every bit mirror opposites of one another, and only a fool would believe they truely shared bloodlines...
    What goes around, comes around

    @[Solace] <3
    Be Warned:
    She exhibits Compulsion and 
    will try to use it to get info
    or whatever she is needing.
    PM me with ?'s or concerns!

    Messages In This Thread
    What Goes Around, Comes Around {Solace} - by Kaurma - 09-04-2018, 09:57 PM

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