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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Waking up to Ash and Dust [Any of Tephra]
    Blood is Thicker than Water

    It had been a long journey from Taiga and he can feel the restlessness beside him in his sisters.  Mostly the youngest pairing and so he makes note to excuse them shortly.  He allows the man before him to voice his opinion, and though it is strong krom does not waiver.  Emerald eyes never leave the gold gaze of his company and so he regards him with a dip of his head before voicing his own, though the presence of yet another silences him.

    This one he recognizes -not that he has met her here before-, Lucreiza the brilliantly colored mare from the meadow.  His crown acknowledges her with a slight dip as it had that previous meeting.  It does not surprise him that she arrives swiftly and seats herself next to the elder stallion.  Kind words following, as she greets them and Magnus.  

    He smiles kindly at her, emerald eyes shifting from one to the other as seen fit for conversation.  It is when she questions his intentions that he finally speaks, "That is right.  I want only the best for Tephra and its people... A home for all who wish to call it one.  A safe-haven, without ambitions for domination and greed." He straightens his position, as he recalls his intentions.  He had no care to take over lands, stretching his reign for more power or demanding others to act for him.  He does not believe this had been Warrick's wishes either, but one could not help but notice the absence of the once Overseer...

    In the moment, he had forgotten to introduce his family to Lucrezia, so he takes this time to do so and to send them off to the thicket they once occupied here, "Lucrezia, this is my twin sister Karat." Looking to the grey lavender mare at his side, before directing his eyes to his younger sisters, "And my younger twin sisters Ketzia and Kove." Emerald eyes return to Karats lavender as his muzzle reaches to press into her cheek, "Karat, would you please take Ketzia and Kove to the thicket... I will join you soon." 

    Karat looks to the gathering and bids them farewell, "Pleasure to meet you all... Ketzia. Kove. Let's go find a place to rest." The lavender pointed mare exits with a smile to the pair of Tephrans.

    The trio leaves and Krom can't help but watch them fade into the shadows of the setting sun.  Once far from his vision, his gaze returns to his company, "I hope, in time, you will come to trust my word." His voice is nothing but sincere, "Who all remains in Tephra?  I would like to meet with everyone and discuss the matter of Tephras ranks and my proposition."  It was a simple enough concept and so he doesn't believe it should take too much time to discuss... 

    @[magnus] @[Lucrezia]

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    RE: Waking up to Ash and Dust [Any of Tephra] - by Kromium - 09-03-2018, 08:22 PM

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