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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    leaves all sinking, fever dreaming; ANY
    { and in my dreams I've kissed your lips a thousand times }

    The static flows around us, subtle and nuanced - the last breath of a dream that leaves us warm despite our shuddering skin. In the drift between wakefulness and sleep, I lose track of which truly belongs to us; for as a groan tears from Magnus' lips, something in the air changes, the static becoming charged. The reality becoming nightmarish.

    There's not a single moment wherein I entertain the thought of his advances towards me. As his blind anguish materializes in his mouth going over my body with a keen sense of ownership and need, it's as if my muscles have turned to stone, and inside them, my bones to dust. His heart hammers in his chest and mine does too, both with need of someone who isn't here (though his are gone gone, whereas mine is a day's trip away). We are well versed in the bodily exchange of sex and passion, and indeed I could reach out and take control and show him just how passionate we truly could be, in the dreamscape.

    My eyes dull over, tongue like ash in the dying embers of my mouth. He tries to meet them but he can't see in his crazed desire, sees only that which I presented to him before - a strong, confident queen, crowned by antlers and ruled by none but herself, one who remembers things long past and one who can make them almost real again. A magician perhaps, a seductress by accident, something to hold on to.

    He growls, and my heart drops. My fingers tingle as they reach to do harm in the strange half-awakened dream, pulling strings of self defense as I fear the further onslaught of his body against mine.

    But then he's pulling away.
    Stepping back.
    Looking away.

    I am so sorry. His voice is glass but my skin is steel. His apology falls on deaf ears. I shouldn't have done that.

    A myriad of responses course through my mind, shifting the hue of my tears as they gather in my eyes. I flinch, the barely repressed action of attempting to gore the stallion where he stands with the sharp prongs of my antlers; I gag, vomit and anger and sadness and shame threatening to spill from my gut. My eyes are still fixed stubbornly ahead: vacant.

    "I have a wife." My lips tug downward.
    "We have six children." My voice wavers.
    My head snaps to him, emotions still utterly muddled, but one thing clear: "You shouldn't have done that."

    Go to the mountain, Kag. Panthera's voice, coming from afar as she senses my turmoil and balances herself not far from where we stand. Do what you know you must, before I do what I feel I must.

    I hesitate. Wouldn't it be beautiful, to watch this man - so changed from whom I'd first taken him to be - be torn apart by the leopard?

    Kagerus. Now.

    Wordless, I take off in a full gallop, coating my body in the cool waters of the river in my haste to be away, to be to the mountain. Somewhere behind me, my leopard follows.

    [Image: kag]

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    RE: leaves all sinking, fever dreaming; ANY - by Kagerus - 09-03-2018, 12:13 PM

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