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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  seas would rise when i gave the word; Agapi & Agave
    one day it's here and then it's gone,
    how are you still holding on?

    It felt all too surreal for him.
    The connections are there. Every bit aligned together perfectly. Each of the pieces fit together like a puzzle.
    Still, it did not feel real to the ocelot-shifter. Titus could not wrap his mind around the idea that this was happening. But it was. It really was happening to him!
    The twin fillies’ reaction to what he said had left them confused. He could read it easily across their face. They probably thought of him as some crazy teenage boy now, but he knew he wasn’t wrong. Maybe he was?
    No, I’m not!
    Titus watches as Agave shifts into her own equine form. There is obviously a difference in this coats, but their colors didn’t need to match in order for him to make the connection. Agapi was exactly the same color as his twin sister!
    Before he can say anything about their coats, Agave shifts back into her ocelot form and attempts to maul him. Titus jumps back several steps. “Control her, Agapi!” He snorts with irritation.
    His attention then turns to Agapi. She at least is more reasonable, thank god. The boy wouldn’t have been able to handle both of the girls if they had similar personalities like Agave. He found her to be a bit of trouble—something similar to himself, in fact.
    “Nerine was my home,” he replies back to Agapi. There is longing in his voice when he mentions it. Nerine was no longer his home. Loess is where he called home now. Should he even tell them about how Venus and him were kidnapped? It was a likely story that they should have heard. Well, if his parents had carried to mention him. He doubted they did… here he was now finding out he had younger siblings!
    Their reaction to what he says next is quite shocking to the pair. “I’m not lying,” he says firmly to them in answering back their shocked statements. Titus wouldn’t be taken for a liar even how bizarre and impossible the situation really was.
    However, it seemed Agave wasn’t having it with the whole thing. She blurted out with a laugh that sent a dark frown onto the ocelot-boy’s lips. Thankfully he didn’t have to do the scolding. Agapi stepped right up for him.
    Of course that doesn’t stop the little brat. Does she even have a grip on herself and what she is doing? Titus cannot help but think with anger. He doesn’t allow himself to fall into his emotional stages of his temper he seems to have lately. Instead, he holds himself in a calmer way than playing into the games of Agave and her little tantrums.
    “Yes, I am implying we are related. We are blood-related. We are FAMILY.” He puts more emphasis on the last word he says. Titus glances away from the twins for a moment. He doesn’t say anything or look towards them until Agapi comes over to him and is finished speaking. “You don’t know then, do you?” There is sadness in his voice.
    Titus lets out a huff of anger and betrayal. His eyes narrow at both of the twins. “You wouldn’t know because our parents are ashamed. Ashamed we were even born and for letting us be kidnapped!” His anger unfolds, throwing away any calm demeanor he ever had. “They never came looking for us. They didn’t even care!” How could they just forget us so easily like that?
    “Well there you have it, the very truth!”
    He shakes his head when the girl mentions going to Nerine. “Are you that naïve?” Why would they want to see him? They wouldn’t care back then, why would they now? “They don’t want anything to do with me.” Titus takes a step back from the twins. “And neither should you,” he whispers softly, sorrow is obviously heard in his last words.
    son of rome and porcia
    male, classic champagne appaloosa, ocelot-shifting, wings
    character info: here | character reference: here

    @[Agave] Oops, lol. XD But yesss! So much muse for this thread right now Heart

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    RE: seas would rise when i gave the word; Agapi & Agave - by Titus - 08-30-2018, 11:05 PM

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