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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Change Is On Us ||| ALL KINGDOM

    - Are you thinking of me when you love him? -

    Wishbone had disappeared and love lost is no love at all.

    His heart followed her, wherever she’d gone, and that meant his body must follow too. At first he’d been nonchalant about the escape; Loess was in good hands with her previous King as champion, should the need arise. Then the days grew longer and the nights colder, with no Wishbone in sight or mind.

    Bane was stuck on the edge of a knife’s point, to give up the childhood mate he’d always dreamed of having as his wife, or to return where he was needed most - with his people?

    A forlorn sigh and the flap of his wings sent him home, where the striped drake had promised to guide and protect those who supported him. Wishbone, in all her glory and lovely attitude, would have to wait.

    Ironically he arrives at the moment of his usurpation, a wry grin spreading over his lips at the sight of his mentor standing tall where once he’d accepted the crown. The pegasus stallion doesn’t begrudge Arthas one bit for doing his duty, his job. In fact there’s nothing but a warm smile as he circles and calls out to the thin gathering - no doubt taking them all for a surprising twist.

    “Arthas,” He gushes, once his colored hooves have struck the silted earth and lead him forward through the throng, “thank you.”

    However, there’s no hesitation when he glides up the incline to take point beside the dappled Champion. “What our guardian says is true - I left in hopes of finding Wishbone, knowing that should worse come to worse our home was left in solid standing. I return now, bitter with the knowledge that Nerine’s once queen is gone from my life.”

    His eyes, stoic and fresh with new purpose, turn to the rest. “That same life now belongs wholly to you, Loess.” His wings, pale and broad, tuck themselves to his sides before he finishes neatly with, “Take your pick, I have no quarrel with Arthas and never will. If his guidance is necessary and wanted, I will happily step down. However, I personally feel there’s more to come from me … what say you all?”


    OOC: For clarity's sake, @[Lepis], @[vulgaris], @[Mary], @[Sawtooth], @[Delta] and @[Kaurma] will have a vote, as they posted within the August time frame.
    [Image: Wolfbane2.png][Image: 3bCHvj.png]

    Messages In This Thread
    Change Is On Us ||| ALL KINGDOM - by Arthas - 08-29-2018, 02:44 PM
    RE: Change Is On Us ||| ALL KINGDOM - by Dayé - 08-29-2018, 03:58 PM
    RE: Change Is On Us ||| ALL KINGDOM - by Wolfbane - 08-29-2018, 04:47 PM
    RE: Change Is On Us ||| ALL KINGDOM - by Kaurma - 08-29-2018, 06:39 PM
    RE: Change Is On Us ||| ALL KINGDOM - by Delta - 08-29-2018, 06:53 PM
    RE: Change Is On Us ||| ALL KINGDOM - by vulgaris - 08-29-2018, 11:58 PM
    RE: Change Is On Us ||| ALL KINGDOM - by Arthas - 08-30-2018, 02:08 PM
    RE: Change Is On Us ||| ALL KINGDOM - by Wolfbane - 08-30-2018, 08:23 PM

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