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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I love, love. (Shocking I know) How'd you meet?
    I love reading these types of stories <3

    K, so Austin and I actually "dated" back in middle school (how much can you really date at that age? Lol) for 7 months. I was absolutely crazy about him and would jokingly write my name with Jones as the last name. Well, he dumped me because he thought I didn't like him. I was ridiculously shy and it took a lot to get a sentence out of me. I was also too bashful to really dance at the middle school dance. It was the most casual breakup ever. He patted my shoulders and walked to the other end of the lunch table lmao

    Well, I never stopped liking him. Through 8th grade and high school, I would make occasional attempts to talk to him (aim, Myspace, Facebook, etc.) But he supposedly always had a girlfriend. Sophomore year of college, after ending my 3.5 year long relationship, I decided to give chatting to Austin one more time. I had been trying for 7 years to chat with him and see him again to no avail. I invited him up to my college (an all girl private college) so he, naturally, took the bait. That was in 2010. Happily together after that.

    Fast forward to ALMOST 5 years of dating.

    My aunt, who has always meant a lot to me, suffered a stroke earlier in the year that put her in hospice. The weekend of November 9th, I went to Jersey with my family to see her because I knew she wasn't doing well. Aunt Carmen wasn't very verbal anymore and could hardly move. Austin asked if he could join us in the trip to NJ. Of course, we loved to have him there because aunt carmen really loved him and us together.

    Austin took me on the metro to NYC. Things were working against him (almost missed the metro and I started my period that developed debilitating cramps) but he stuck to his guns and plan lmao. A trip to CVS, then brunch, a walk through Time Square, my makeup professionally done by MAC, and then a horse and carriage ride. I thought maybe he would propose in the carriage. He didn't. My hopes were crushed lmao.

    BUT we started walking through central park and when we sat on the bench, he started saying sweet things before getting down on one knee and proposing. I cried of course lol.

    So, we even totally get back on the metro and return to my family. I rushed to the hospice because I knew how excited aunt carmen would be. When I told her and showed her the ring, her entire face lit up. Ever since I was q kid, aunt carmen would always cradle my face and tell me how beautiful I was. Well, she did just that. She reached forward and cradled my face, whispering "beautiful" to me after not having been verbal a few days. She pulled me into a hug and I just cried into her shoulder.

    There wasn't a dry eye in the room with my family that night.
    Unfortunately, that was the last time I saw my aunt before she passed away, but I knew she was happy and it was one of the most heartfelt and emotional days of my life.

    And now I'm crying remembering it all haha

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: I love, love. (Shocking I know) How'd you meet? - by Aeris - 08-27-2018, 08:26 PM

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