08-27-2018, 07:05 PM
It was almost as though he shifted through a few emotions before ensuring he did not break his hardened appearance. Agave was probably not the smartest challenging another who was larger than her, and it did not make things better that she added fuel to the fire knowing exactly how to create sparks. He bared his teeth in return to her threat, an interesting move that she did not expect.
His anger was apparent, it only made Agave want to mess with him more, really see how far he would go. He probably never found someone who would stick up for themselves, the other foals probably cowered and seeked a way out from the conversation he started. Agapi was the calmer and more nervous one of the pair, and it seemed as though this bully seemed to agree with Agapi as she requested her sister to remove them from the situation.
A snort escaped Agave, annoyed at the gesture of this male cat. Though she attempted to speak she could not get a word out before he screamed Nerine. Her eyes looked at him with confusion yea, what are you shouting for! She stood up once again, she really wanted to bop him on the nose but she stood there staring at him instead.
His face quickly faded from anger to confusion and a hint of sorrow that cannot be possible he yells out and this time Agave turned to Agapi and they both shared a confused look. Agave shifted from her feline form into her equine form, her solid gold pattern differed from her sisters spotted pelt. He attempted to gather himself, his forcing a serious front. You can throw the act down now he spat out and she nearly shifted back into a cat and clawed him why don't you take your own medicine! Agave snorted stomping her front leg. Agapi stepped closer to her sister, her shoulder beside her rump. Why does Nerine interest you? You don't carry the scent of Nerine the quiet sister spoke up.
He answered Agapi's question about his parents, his tone was calmer with her confirming that his parents were something like shifters. Though it is what he says next that leaves both the twins stunned, my father is half horse half ocelot they both flicked there heads to each other and back to Titus, it was almost as if they practiced. WHAT! they both yelled out, that's not possible! Sure it was probable that another horse looked like there father....but what are the chances that he really existed? There father was the only one of his kind!
He mentions sparrow shifting and turns to Agapi noting the shifting was just like her. This was all to weird for the twins...who in the world was this guy! He steps back from the twins our family is the only ocelot shifters he said and Agave couldn't help but blurt out a laugh. Agave! Agapi nearly begged her sister to collect herself, Why did you say our family? Are you implying we are related! Agave snorted as she stepped closer to the young feline. He goes on to to introduce himself as Titus, there old brother and Agave rolled her eyes Oh please! Don't play games! If we have the same family why aren't you in Nerine with us? she snorts, would there parents really keep there siblings a secret from them? Agapi steps away from her sister and closer to Titus Agave...look at him....he is just like you...he has to be related to us... A pain stung the young filly, how could this be? Won't you come back to Nerine with us....? Surely there parents wanted to see him.
Tread Lightly
@[Titus] Porcia is TEGteg so I just sorta touched up on the sparrow shifting without mentioning Porcia can shift
P.S. this is getting juicy :p