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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  What goes around, comes around [Bruise]
    They seem to be one in the same.  Their goals in life, their emotions(or lack thereof).  He laughs with unamused humor, but had she been trying to amuse him... Definitely not.

    His answer, that of mimicry and mockery all rolled into, one causes the same dry scuff to pass through her fanged jaw.  To think of ripping through his carmel hide and expose the succulent juices inside him, causes her own personal thrill internally but she holds off.  Perhaps he was worth something, to her. 

    Upon compulsing a simple question, she recieves an unimpressive answer.  His mind could be this simple, or she could have met her match in this game.  The idea creeps a delicate smile upon blackened lips, and she is mildly intruiged.  "Don't we all," she states simply in agreeance, leaning forward slightly.  She did want many things, this is true, and she wonders what he may give her.

    She is moments from compulsing a gift for herself but he is quicker with his words.  Stepping forward slightly, his wants spewing from charming lips and she is seconds from a chuckle...  Scream?  Children scream, women who witness murder, scream... She does no such thing.  A quirked brow reveals her perplexion, but the scent of burning flesh stops her dead in her tracks.  


    She looks up -with widened eyes- to see the canopy still filtering little to no light upon her.  Nostrils flared to confirm that yes, she could smell burning.  How could she be burning?  Her golden eyes meet his amused reflection, finding tendrils of flames dancing within his optical lenses.  She reverses, as if seeing the flames within his eyes, meant they were at her hooves -their glowing fingers threatening to grip her blackish fetlocks.  She can feel the nagging heat as if it were reality.  Still moving backwards, she tucks herself into total darkness, far from where they had stood.  

    Again her nostrils flare, inhaling deeply and finding only pine and musk on the stagnant air now.  Ebony ears flatten along her sienna nape, hidden within tendrils of dark mane, unamused by whatever this  was.  She does not reappear from the darkness that cloaks her, but observes in silence from the crevices of shadows. There is nothing but him -standing there in amusement, no flames to be seen...
    What goes around, comes around

    @[bruise] hes so mean lol.  Scaring poor little vampires! Fo shame XD
    Be Warned:
    She exhibits Compulsion and 
    will try to use it to get info
    or whatever she is needing.
    PM me with ?'s or concerns!


    Messages In This Thread
    RE: What goes around, comes around [Bruise] - by Kaurma - 08-25-2018, 08:39 PM

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