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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    We are the warriors, Quorra
    As a child you would wait, and watch from far away.
    But you always knew you'd be the one to work while they all play.

    It's okay Quorra, we'll forgive you, because clearly you have not met Librette.

    She talks in backtracking, talking herself into a corner and then desperately maneuvering to get herself back out again. Only when it's absolutely necessary, when the fate of the Valley (or at least, its diplomatic relations) are on the line does she manage to speak fluently, fluidly, and find all the words that she needs. Outside of that she tends to be the awkward kind, her words fighting her as they come out, and she fighting back in an attempt to level the playing field.

    Don't take it personally, really. It's just Librette.

    "I'm not so good with the words." she says with a chuckle, a small smile playing on her lips. "Bet you couldn't tell." she tries to make fun of herself, trying to create some kind of kinship with this stranger-friend. "I'm a fighter." she says, leaving out the details of her long life. She doesn't mention fighting in the Deserts, the Gates, the many other battles that she's had over the unnatural lifespan of hers. And she doesn't mention the fight she lost – the one that's written across her chest in a conspicuous white scar.

    "That's the thing though," she continues after a pause. "You don't just have to do whatever you're good at. If you want to learn, you can always learn. Covet leads the army, I'm sure he'd be glad to teach you. Or me, if you'd prefer someone who isn't him." She offers it as a branch of friendship, although only Librette would try to offer fighting someone with that goal in mind. But she means it kindly, really she does.

    She sees that the other woman is almost as nervous as she is, and she does what comes naturally to her: she starts rambling a ramshackle string of words and hopes that one or two of them will soothe her companion. "I didn't really know how to fight when I came here. I'd done a bit, sure, because I was on my own before I joined up. But I didn't really know anything." she had been so young then, a chestnut bit of a thing from a far away land. She'd never expected what she had found here in Beqanna.

    "It's really your choice. Whatever you want to do." She looks to the other mare, flicking her tail across her unremarkable haunches. "If you're not sure, maybe give both a try? It can't hurt." She pauses for another moment. "Or…well, or not, if you're not comfortable. There's time."

    But not much, not really, not with the Amazons' ascending strength, chaos in the Deserts, and who knew what all. In Beqanna, there's never time to do nothing. He who wanders aimlessly is always lost.

    Don't weep for me
    Because this will be the labor of my love.
    Image copyright FFFiiiAA

    No worries! <3

    Messages In This Thread
    We are the warriors, Quorra - by Librette - 04-05-2015, 11:06 PM
    RE: We are the warriors, Quorra - by Quorra - 04-06-2015, 05:21 AM
    RE: We are the warriors, Quorra - by Librette - 04-06-2015, 05:42 PM

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