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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    A lonely road for just a ghost // Any Faerie
    It's daunting; more daunting than any peak in Hyaline. Higher, broader, steeper... Daunting. As I stand at its base, considering what has brought me here and what urges me forward still, a chill runs from the base of my skull down to the bones of my tail. I am here for Solace. Because I love her. And because she doesn't think that I truly want her forever, or at least, she believes that one day, she will die, and that I will move on...

    But I don't believe that. And I never will.

    Panthera is by my side for this journey, as she has been the whole time ever since I left Hyaline, that day after our fight. My final words to the beautiful Solace still ring in my ears and somehow, they seem uglier with each echo. I find myself wondering how I would feel if those were my last words to her, if she, like I had, felt an impulse to suicide and I wasn't there to save her. The mental image nearly sends me back to Hyaline, but I stop myself; it's a diversion, a distraction, a devil on my shoulder, whispering doubts into what I know to be doubtless.

    I love her, doubtlessly.
    I am devoted to her, doubtlessly.
    She has my forever: doubtlessly.

    <I>It's time.</i>

    Without looking towards the leopard who whispers these words into my mind, I tuck my chin to my chest and begin the journey. I don't know how long I'll walk until I'm intercepted, or if I'll have to be the one doing the searching: I've never done this before, even for all the gifts I've been granted and seemingly all at once... Dream manipulation, antlers, Panthera. I barely know who I was before these gifts, but even more than that, I barely know who I was before Solace.

    And that's why I'm here. Not for more gifts - no, I would gladly do without those for her - but for something more. Something eternal. Something immortal.

    Suddenly, I am out of breath, stuck on a plateau that isn't the peak but that still leaves me with severe virtigo when I glance back from whence we came. Panthera, too, huffs next to me, but she speaks no words into my mind; instead we simply stand, breathless and heartfelt and desperate. I don't know how to ask for it, I don't even know who's listening - but they must be. Someone must hear my plea.

    <b>"Please, if you're there..."</b> I choke, perhaps because I can't breathe, more realistically because I can't cope with the idea of a life without her. <b>"Don't let her die."</b> A keen, really; selfish and needy because she saved my life, she saved me from suicide when I was one inhale away from drowning; she is my light, my refuge, she's my - my - my goddamned Solace.

    <b>"I'll do anything."</b>

    ooc: so we got approval for kag to somehow get Solace immortality, I was wondering if a nice fairy would want to come do that but in the process, could you give her a nasty gash/scar that extends from the base of her right ear, across the flat of her face, down to the tip of her left nostril? As payment, and cause she's being sort of melodramatic and needs to be knocked down a peg or two. <3
    @[Officials] @[Kyra] ? <3
    [Image: kag]

    Messages In This Thread
    A lonely road for just a ghost // Any Faerie - by Kagerus - 08-23-2018, 11:07 PM

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