He is no treasure. He’s more like that pet rock that you don’t quite know what to do with, but can’t quite bring yourself to get rid of. He has little interest in the two mares that approach. They talk, saying things like congratulations. Which he doesn’t understand. Is he something to be proud of? He’s just a boy with wobbly legs and a pretty pretty princess coat (he will forever hate his coat, he’s already decided). Maybe Tytos is something to be proud of? But he’s kind of just an asshole, as proved by all the kicks in the womb and the nip to their mother.
Tytos is the one to venture out. Rhonan, for his part, peers from beneath their mother. Not in a shy way, but rather in a lazy way. More you are too far away to be bothered with than omg, stranger danger!. Really, he’s not stupid. His mother isn’t worried about these other mares, and so he isn’t either. No, his mother just seems sad and tired, though he doesn’t entirely understand this. He just knows she doesn’t look quite like the other two.
Thoguh, to be fair, the one is literally hairless. He’s not entirely convinced she’s a horse at all. Maybe a horse/rat? A super freaky crossbred? That could probably happen in Beqanna, right? He has no idea. But he stares at her for a while with those unsettling eyes of his, muddy brown with an orange ring. Courtesy of his father. Perhaps too much of him is courtesy of his father. That’s why he’s no treasure, no keepsake. He’s his father. And who the hell wanted that man around?
Well, except his Mom. Guess Myrina wasn’t dumping him off at the adoption den anytime soon.