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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [mature]  (has swearing) Don't want you to adore me, don't want you to ignore me

    Demons run,
    but count the cost...
    Friendship dies and true love lies
    Night will fall and the dark will rise
    She’s never turned away from any dare that he knows of: she just takes it. She fucking asks the one question. It slips from her lips as easily as her concerned gaze turns stone-cold, green switched back to orange in a split second, and for all that it’s supposed to be a warm colour it could be colder than his frost that’s killing the grass.

    She goes on - that nothing in his life could be so bad, nothing is an excuse that’s good enough for her, for him to act like this. And he snarls back, wordlessly at a moment, before answering. ”Guess what, someone did.” His voice is icy, dripping steel, cutting edges, cynically. ”If nothing else, you could have guessed it was me who’s be wrecking me.”

    It’s true in it’s own right; he’s mostly done it himself. Sure, the spotted mare has something to do with it. But if he’d just been able to get over her or at least pretend it was all okay, who knows, they could at least have still been friends. But he just had to yell at her, throw out all of his pain into an anger tantrum, and just like that, he’s ruined his own life. Or whatever. Maybe she’d done it after all. Or maybe Scorch had, long ago, created the first hair fractures herself by leaving him to deal with one sickly sweet twin and one baby, to care for.

    There she goes again. Another threat. He laughs at it, chuckles humourlessly. ”Look at me. Tell me I’m not already punished and that there was a chance at redemption two minutes ago that you could take away. Tell me that and not lie. I know you can’t. You know as well as I, I’m already done for. Nothing for you to add.” He’s a broken man, already, and it shows. But his mother threatening him doesn’t help. In fact, he throws it right back at her.

    ”But if you can’t, why don’t you just leave me alone again. Just like everybody else. Just like you did. It’s what you’re good at, isn’t it? Leaving? Not considering if another has feelings at all because you don’t happen to have them? You know what, I’m surprised dad never left you without warning. Maybe then you’d understand, but, I suppose the ones who leave are the ones who need to find themselves, and need time to sort out their feelings, not the ones left behind. They will manage! They’re fine! Sure! No trouble! They’ll just sit and wait where you left them, totally untouched, ready to be picked up where they’re left behind. Fuck that!” His nostrils flare into a snarl-like snort as he scrapes a hoof over the grass, then stomps it with the last two words. And fuck you, he almost adds - but his gaze is probably enough. Fuck all the amazons. Fuck their man-slaves. Fuck the way the world works, with it’s feelings and attachments and other unnecessary conplications like family.

    He turns to leave, then figures he should tell her something. His face half-turned into her direction, he spins the words from ice-cold sugar. ”Hey, I suppose you should visit your granddaughter in Hyaline.”

    He’s away before another word reaches him.
    the battle's won, but the child is lost

    Felt like a sort of fitting ending. I suppose she can tie the knots together herself or whenever she meets with Breckin again, and also don’t want to make it any worse than this xP
    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: (has swearing) Don't want you to adore me, don't want you to ignore me - by Leilan - 08-22-2018, 03:38 PM

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