Sawtooth has no manners. What she lacks in them is made up for in complete wildness. She runs feral most of her days and presses in on the bubble of personal space that belongs to the night-dark girl.
Good thing neither of them have much regard for close proximity’s because Sawtooth has about as much care and energy as a hummingbird.
Her stance shifts at the bell-like note of incredulity that hangs between them. To her it sounded like a challenge - was there really a corpse? Why wouldn’t the other girl want to see it? Where’s the telltale blood? Sawtooth sucks in a noisy breath because the silly brat hadn’t thought that far ahead but...
“Oh you must be wondering where all the blood is! Such an awful mess. Scrubbed it off in the snow I did.” she’s blathering on until more of the snow goes flying as the thing in its midst flounders. Finally the mess resolved itself into a little cat-colt who throws their snark right back at them. As if Sawtooth was even paying attention to that!
No, she’s focused right in on the whole ‘being chased’ thing and her black eyes flowed with the unholy light of curiosity. “Being chased by who or what?” because she really cannot help from asking him. It was too juicy of a tidbit to not worry at it with the tooth and claw of her young burning mind.
Sawtooth shrugs; “Back over there. C’mon!” and just like that, he’s accepted into their curious corpse-seeking trio. Well, it’s a trio now when before it was just two fillies that shared the same morbid fascinations. Now he’s part of that and Sawtooth leads them back to the thicket she’d initially burst out of.
The whole time she’s thinking how she’s going to pull this off. One minor (or major) detail she left out was that the wolf wasn’t quite dead. That’s because she was the wolf! So without hesitation, she plunged into the snowy bracken and doesn’t wait for the others. She also shifts quickly which tends to be more painful but bites back the yelp as her bones pop and twist into that other shape.
She finds the mess of paw prints and hoof prints and promptly sprawls out in the midst of it, thereby playing dead and biding her time until they discover her supposed corpse.
@[Sibella] @[Titus] she’s trying to prank them lol